Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of thre Board of Trustees,
University of Xentucky, for Tuesday, Deceraber 21, 1920.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
quarterly session in the President's office at the Universit3y at the hour
of 12:00 o'clock, noon, Tuesday, December 2.1, 1920.  The following members
were present: Superintendent George Calvin, Commissioner ;;. C. fHanna, Mr.
T. L. Hornsby, Senator H. ir. Froma-%n, captain 3. R. Rash, Mtr. Richard C.
Stoll, Mr. Rainey T. tWells, Mr. Frank hicI1ee, Mr. W. E. Grady, Mr. J. I.
.Lyle.and Mr. P. P. Johnston, Jr.  President Frank L. MoVey and Wallington
Patrick, Secretary of the Board -ere also present.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Board for Noavember 21, 1920, were
approved as published.   The minutes of the Executive Committee since the
last meeting of She Board wvere approved as published.

     (1) Report of the Business Agent.  The report of the Business Agent
TaS read and ordered filed.

     (2) Report of the President.  President MoVey then submitted to the
Board his quarterly report which weas as follows:

     Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees:

     "(a) Attendance. as it is customary to measure an institution
by its student attendance, I am presenting at the opening of this
re:- art the figures for' the first semester.     The enrollment for the
semaenster is given as 1O27.     Of this number there are inithe
    Graduate School .19
    College of Arts and Sciences.          534                - ll+I
    Agriculture.252 to                               2R2
    Engineering .....................    ................ 327      t2
    Law ......74 ....... 74
    Special and short courses.     .     ....................68-
                    Total ......         ....1,2'74              IA C

T).e freshman class is the largest in the history of the institu.
-on and the total enrollment is 20% more than last year at this
t ..ae.  In view of this increase it is desirable to look forvnerd
for t en years to see what the University must face in student at-
tendanoe.   In 1910 the total enrollment of the Univ~rsity in-
cluding all classes of students eras 721 of whom 155 were in the
academy. The total enrollment of the University last year was
1,624.   This year it will approximate 1,800.   Taking the totals
of 1910 and those of 1920 it appears that the enrollment has in-
creased  0O0% in ten years.  If the test of actual residence is
applied the increase has been fully 2o00%.  Meantime high school
graduates have grown from 800 to Z,500 annually.   The conclusion
is inevitable that the University will be called upon to take

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