
    :1(g) Cavalry Unit for Military  epartment.  Since 1863 the
Federal Government has maintained a. military off icer at the Uni-
veisity for the purpose of giving instruction in military tactics.
Since the passage of the Act establishing the R. 0. T. C. the
number of officers has been increased to three and four sergeants.
Besides this group of instructors the Government furnishes arms
and uniforms.  It is willing to establish a cavalry unit here if
the State will furnish stables for the horses costing about
$30,000.  Very little has been done by the University for this
important department and much more could be done if the Univer-
sity's facilities wiere more adequate.  Just recently theGovern-
ment has sent the University $5,000 worth of band instruments.

    "(h) Smith-Hughes Work.   In the Smith-Hughes work the Uni-
versity has been charged with the preparation of teachers for
agriculture, home economics and trades.   This wrork has been go-
ing on in cooperation with the federal and state boards.  The
supervisor of the State Board has raised the question regarding
his authority to inspect, supervise and direct the work of teach-
er-training.  Ss the University is an arm of the State governed
by a body known es the Board of Trustees created by the Legisla-
ture, it cannot permit an outside authority to determine what and
how it shall conduct any of its departments.   It seems to me
that this position is fundamental.   The State Board of Vocational
Education distributes the money entrusted to its care, part of
whioh is used to pay for work created by the federal act and car-
ried on by an agreement made between-the federal government and
the University.   I have set forth the situation in order that the
view point under which I have been acting may be clear to the Board.

    "(i) Agricultural Work.   The agricultural wvork of the Uni-
versity has been proceeding most satisfactor'1-y.  More harrmcray
and better work exists in that division of the University than at
any other time in its history.   The courses have been increased
and the types and kinds of animals on the Experiment Station farm
have been maturely added to.   The Extension work is in better
shape than it has been for a number of years.   Some difficulty
exists with the State Federation of Farm Bureaus due to the con-
tention thct the:Stote Federation is entitled to use members of
the E-tension Staff in e:tending its orgnnization.  This con-
tention has no foundation in lavz and caln have no basis in Yjniver-
sity policy.  The 21xtension Division will cooperate with farmerst
organizations in enterprises for which public funds limited to
eertain uses by legislativc act, may be used.   Wihat that coopera-
tion shall be must be determined by the University based on wise
public policy.   Cooperation with many of the individual County
Farm Bureaus on approved projects of.work has developed to a most
satisfactory degree.   I am bringing to the attention of the Board