
a letter addressed to Governor Morrow and by him tra nsmitted to the
University.  This letter calls for certain information based I presume
on the idea that the Extension Division is to make reports to that or-
ganization.  While many changes have taken place in the county agent
staff and the Extension Division, these changes are no greater than
those that have occurred in other states, m d in fact less than many,.
and is to be accounted fcr by the general conditions existing in the

    "(j) Enginering Work.   The appropriation for the purchase of en-
gineering eniiipment has been expended to the extent of $512,000.  The
committee having this matter in charge has done its work well and
the shops arc now being put into shape.  Professor Anderson's recent
visit to-New York City has resulted in the offer of Mir. Wendt, Presi-
dent of the Buffalo Forge Company, to equip a forge shop wilth the very
latest machines and tools.  I have received no official communicatiOn
regarding Mr. WJendt's offer and am unable to communicate the conditions
to the Board.  Without question the addition of such a shop will materi-
ally better the engineering equipment.

     ' (k) Memorial Building.  For nearly two years the Memorial Build-
ing plan has been under way.  About -'0,000 in cash is noii in the hands
of the committee and about 20,000 in subscriptions.   The bond issue
provided by the City of-;Lexington is in the courts at present and an opin-
iOn may be handed down in the next three months.  When requested for a
statement of the County's part in the sum for the Memorial Building the
county judge and tha county attorney staited that it would be necessary to
wait for the action of the Court of Appeals before it could be determined
what the County would do.

     ( "  1) Publication of Monographs.  A year ago the Board of Trustees
voted to create a monographic series for the publication of research
material that might be deemed worthy of printings   Two such publications
have been issued, one the Kentucky Tax Situation by Mr. Simeon E. Le-
land and the other a study of the Farmerst Union Organization by Commo-
dore Fisher.  Both books are worthy of place in the series.   There
arc other evidences of faculty interest in research, such as the for-
mation of a Research Club composed of the men who have done research
work of a notable character since they have left the Graduate School.
The Club norw consists of tv:enty-four members and it vill be its purpose
to Qncourade research in the University.   Many other problems arise in
a University vihich have to do with instruction, discipline, morals and
organization.  For the Purpose of bringing these questions more to the
fore, the University Forum was recently organized to furnish opportunity
for discussion of University matters.