
          "In this brief review I have endeavored to bring to your attention
     some of the things that come before us in the University.   It is a big
     organization with far reaching influence that needs our sympathy and
     wisdom.   In closing I cannot but affirm again my appreciation of the
     high character of this Board and the kindly aid and sympathy they have
     extended to me in t'he conduct of the University'.

     ' 2 Bids on Construction of Dormitory.  Mr. Stoll reported te.- the
Board  a"a, a number of bids for the con struction of the new dormitory had
been received.  He also stated thut several business firms had reported that
they bed been unable to secure access tb plans and spedifications on the
building and that they were therefore unable to submit bids.   It was also
stated to the Boatd that the architects, Coolidge and Shattuck, had placed
only siz act -of plans and specifications with the University, and that the
University authorities were therefore unable to comply with recuests of
builders to -place plans and specifications exclusively for their u'se.  In
view of these statements the following motion was made, seconded, and unani-
mously adopted: That all bids be returned unopened to bidders and that a
sufficient number of plans and specifications be furnished for use to enable
ccp.ics to be mrade available to all reputable bidders wvho mh,.hL' wish to sub-
mit bids.   It was also moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted that bids
be readvertired to be returned and opened at a mreetint of the Board to be
held on Tuesday, February 1, 1921.

     ()Cndiaates fee Degrees.     The following communication was read from
Ezra L. Giliis, Secretary of the University Senate, with reference. to candi-
dates for degrees.

                                        Deo-,pmber 20, 1920

    The Board of Trustees

         University of Zentucky


         The Senate of the University of Eentucky certifies to yosl that the
    following persons have completed the coursEs of study required for the
    degrees indicated' and. recommends that the same be granted.  College of
    Arts'and Scicnces, :with the degree of Bachclor of Arts: SRuth Phyllis
    fsa4, OsUsar Veirs Petty, Irone Robertson.   Bachelor of Science:  Joseph
    Zeevil Wallingford.   College of Arijculture, With the degree of Bachev
    lor of Science in Agriculture:   William Davis Salmon.  Bachelor of
    Science in home Economics:   Ruth Elizabcth Grcgory,    College of Law.,
    with the degree of Bachclor of Laows;  Ct-o.Velou C     tia, Charles
    Poindexter Z-fabry, aend D. Carl Ross.

                                       Respeactfully submitted

                                             Ezra L. Gillis

Secretary of the Senate