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Austrian Professor

Gives Lecture Here

Noted Physicist of University
of Vienna, Speaks to

Physics Students

Dr. Arthur Huns, professor of
Physics at the University of Vienna,
Austria, spoke three times before
the Physics students of the university last week. His appearance at
the university Is sponsored by the
department of physics, and Sigma
Pl Sigma, honorary pnysics rra
Thursday, April 23 at 4 p. m.,
Dr. Haas lectured in the Physic lec
turc room before the advanced stu
dents on "The Relation Between
Mechanics and the Theory of Rcl
atlvlty." At 7:30 p. m., he spoke
before the public on "The Sun and
the Universe." Friday, April 24, at
4 p. m., he again spoke before the

Sigma Gamma Epsilon,

"Front Page"
The best picture of the week,
"Front Page," will close at the Kentucky tomorrow. Produced by Howard Hughes and directed by Lewis
Milestone, this is a faithful adaptation of the newspaper play by Ben
Hccht and Charles MacArthur, a
smashing stage success. A flawless
cast, headed by Adolphe Mcnjou,
admirably catches the spirit of the
piece. Pat O'Brien is cast as "Hlldy"
Johnson, about whom the action
Mary Brian, Mae Clarke,
George Stone, Walter Catlett, and
Matt Moore are also in the cast of
"Front Page."
The adaption of
Bartlett Cormack is a miracle. The
play teems with profanity.
Hays Code doesn't permit that on
the screen yet the characters get
the ideas through the loudspeakers
wth no apparent difficulty. See
"Front Page."
"The Finger Points"
Another newspaper film In on the
rialto. "The Finger Points," current at the Strand, has Richard
Barthelmess in the leading role
with Fay Wray, Regis Toomey, and
Clark Gable in support.
Finger Points" is another cinematic
explanation of the Jake Llngle
murder. Gangster melodrama seems
predomlnent on the screen these
days and this First National picture
contains all the usual hokum pertinent to that type of Ivama. Barthelmess is seen as a new reporter
who, soon after joining the staff
of a large city dally, falls In with a
gang of racketeers by whom he is
paid to keep news of their activities
out of print. The dialogue is atrocious and the story is dreadfully
but John Francis Dillon
achieved some effective direction in
spots. The last sequence in the
picture is splendid sath-e- .
Finger Points" affords fair

There is certainly an excellent
battery of cinematic attractions on
view this week.
"Trader Horn" is
rvan Thomas P. Coonor. of the most sensational. "Front Page"
the Agriculture College, will repre Is the best entertainment.
'Trader Rem"
sent the university at tne inauguraWhen, in this column last Friday,
tion of Dr. H. W. Chase as president
of the University of Illinois. Dr. we made the statement that "Trader Horn," at the Ben All all week,
Chase will assume office May 1.
was faked, for the most part, In
and Mexico, it created
quite a furore. We repeat the charge
nnd, in so doing,, heartily congratulate
for the
artistic Barnum technique displayed In. the production.
The faking
is there, plenty of it, but It is so
cleverly done that it will deceive almost anybody, even Rena. "Trader
Horn" should be seen. Its drawing
powers are obvious. Thrills are
there In abundance. However, the
picture Is a bit too Hollywoodlsh at
times to be convincing.
Carey does a good piece of work as
the trader while Edwlna Booth
wears few clothes and contrives to
be a fierce priestess in no uncertain
Duncan Renaldo is cast
as Peru, the trader's protege, who
falls In love with the Booth. Our
references to a scandal last week
also has stirred up comment. It
seems that Renaldo did too much
rehearsing on his part out of camera range. The troupe actually
spent over a year in Africa but the
film did not turn out as it was
wanted so, after buying some animal shots from independent ex
plorers, they Aimed the remainder
of the picture in Hollywood and

get this
land Clothes we
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Fannyman Ardery Again
were, of course, amused at
Ardery's boast of receiving two fan letters last week.
He also sneered at our customary
200. We weren't going to spill it
but we had Roamln' Rena send
the pair to him. You see, Rena
has about 12 styles of handwriting
and it's all done with mirrors.



University Graduate Plans Are Made for
Patterson Memorial
Cluh Will Entertain
Dr. J. A. James, Northwestern Graduate School
Dean, win speaK

Plans are being formulated for
uni- 6:30 the erection of a monument to
James K Patterson, who for many
ik, Wednesday nignt, Apru za,
years was president
the univerballroom or tne rnoenix sity, according to C.ofN. Manning,
A. James, dean
Dr. James
president of the Security Trust
graduate school of North- -

TJe Graduate club of the
ity will give a banquet at

the university
man, tailoring


is to be
found only in

clothing that
sells for much




rn University, and an eminent
authority on George Rogers Clark,
wilr speak on "American Ideals."
The Graduate club is composed
of the members of the graduate
school, and any student working for
a higher degree is eligible for
At. nrpspnt
it has aD- ! proximately
300 members, of whom
linn ...m nuatn tVio rlMrrao nf mas
her of arts, and three the doctor's
degree in June. Tne purpose 01
the club is to promote a spirit of
cooperation and friendship among
the members, of the graduate

Officers of the club are: president,
SheDard Jones, and secretary, Fan
nie Sue Johnson.
Tickets for the banquet are Deing
sold by the graduate students, one
representative managing the sale
in each department.






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Former President of Univer- sity Will Be Honored by
Statue on Campus

JUmmonev ox wwr.

'Cat Thinlies Win
Over Tennesse Vols
(Continued from Page One)
The Wildcats will oppose Sewanee
at Sewanee, Tenn., next Saturday.
Sewanee was defeated decisively by
Vanderbllt, a team which was no
match for Shlvely's boys.
The summary followss:
Dash Kelly, Kentucky;
Clark, Tennessee. Time, :10.1.
Mile Run O'Bryant, Kentucky;
Baker, Kentucky. Time, 4:35.4.
Dash Kelly, Kentucky;
Styles, Tennessee. Time. :22.5.
Hickman, Tennessee;
Shot Put
Franklin, Tennessee. Distance, 45
feet 6Vi inches.
High Hurdles Emmerich, Kentucky; Corbett, Tennessee.
Time, :16.4.
Run Clark, Tennessee;
Mllliken, Kentucky. Time, :52.2.
Discus Throw Franklin, Tennessee; Tuttle, Kentucky. Distance, 121
feet 3 Inches.
Two-Mi- le
Run Gooard, Tennessee; Burress, Kentucky. Time,

.inveiin Throw Cavana. Kentuc
ky; Rayburn. Tennessee. Distance,
167 feet 5 inches.
Pole Vault Hubble. Kentucky:
Turley, Kentucky, tied. Height, 11
feet 3 inches.
Low Hurdles Corbett.
Time, :27.
Half -- Mile O'Bryant, Kentucky ;
Saunders, Kentucky. Time, 2:3.2.
High Jump Roberts, Kentucky:
Grenblatt. Tennessee. Height, 5 feet
9 inches.
Rrnari Jumn Kellv. Kentucky:
McLane, Kentucky. Distance, 22
feet 10 inches.
Mile Relav Kentucky (Tennessee
Charles Sommers, junior in the
College of Law, has been appointed
to nil the new office of Legislation
and Book Review editor in the Ken
tucky Law Journal for the year
1931-3He has for the last year
been a, member of the Law Journal

Chi chapter of Sigma Gamma
Epsilon, national honorary geology,
metallurgy, mining, and ceramics
fraternity, held its formal Initiation
at 6 o'clock Monday night In the
chapter room In the Selene building.
The members are selected on the
basis of high scholastic standing,
'professional ability, and recommendations from their professors.
The new members are: Bernard
J. Hacffling, Joseph H. Mills, J. A.
Purnell, Lexington; Hugh Tanner,
Irvlngton, and William G. Haag,
Following the initiation, a banquet was held in honor of the initiates. Paul Averltt, president, presided as toastmaster. Each of the
initiates was called on for a humorous speech.
The active chapter includes Dr. A.
C. McFarlan, Prof. L. C. Robinson,
Prof. R. P. Meacham, Paul Averltt,
William P. Haller. D. Y. Young,
Morris Farber, Herbert Parker,
Kermlt Thompson, Richard Thorn-berr- y.
Ray L. Trautman.
Officers of, the fraternity are:
president, Paul Averritt; secretary-treasure- r,
William P. Haller; editor,
D. Y. Young. The faculty adviser
Is Dr. A. C. McFarlan, who is now
on a sabbatical leave of absence
granted by the university. Doctor
McFarlan will return the latter
part of May. Prof. L. O. Roblncon,
a member of the fraternity, was
absent from the initiation ceremonies, having left Sunday to accompany the engineers on their
southern inspection tour.

Alpha Delta Sigma
Fraternity Holds
Pledging: Exercises
Alpha Delta Sigma, professional
advertising fraternity, held pledging
exercises Monday afternoon, in
Memorial hall. The following students were pledged: Gilbert Kingsbury, Covington; Frank Worthlng-to- n,
Lexington,, and James Morgan,
At the meeting Monday, plans
were formulated for the initiation
banquet, which will be held May 4,
at the Lafayette hotel. The Alpha
Delta Sigma key, which is awarded
annually to the senior who has contributed most to advertising, will be
presented at the banquet.
Membership In the fraternity is
based on proved ability and interest
in the field of advertising. Officers
of the fraternity are: president,
Coleman Smith;
Stapleton; secretary, Chester Jolly,
and treasurer, Allle Mason.
members of the organization, who
will award the key at the initiation
banquet are: Dr. J. B. Miner, Prof.
R. D. Mclntyre, and Prof. A. E.

Company. The memorial will be
placed upon the university campus,
although the exact site has not been
No plans have been made conWill Close
cerning the type of monument to
be used or the sculptor to be
The water color exhibit at the
The personnel of the' com- - Art Center, brought by Mr. Ran-nel- ls
mittee in charge of plans is as folthrough the courtesy of the
lows: Dr. Frank L. McVey; Miss' American Federation of Arts, conH. Pollitt, Instructor
in Eastern tinues through Saturday. The disState Teachers College; Walter K. i play is open to the public from 8
Patterson; Rodman Wiley; Alexan- - j to 5 o'clock every day.
der Bonnyman of Knoxville, Tenn.,
Among the works presented are
an alumnus of this school; and C. all types of studies, including works
N. Manning of Lexington.
of all the best water color artists
Although no steps have been In the conservative group in Amertaken by the committee concerning ica. Mr. Rannells believes
the sculptor to be employed, Charles they will appeal to every type cf
Henry Niehans has been suggested. visitor, since they deal with easily
His works are well known to Lex- recognizable subjects handled in
ington people, since he is the sculp- such a way that even the unltiated
tor of the Goebel monument at In the mysteries of art can underFrankfort, as well as the statues stand and appreciate them.
of Henry Clay and Dr. Ephrim
All art lovers, especially those
McDowell In Statuary HalL The who are interested in acquainting
latter two statues were finished two themselves more fully with the work
years ago by the sculptor. Accord- of contemporary American painting to Mr. Manning, work on the ers, are urged to take advantage of
plans has been temporarily postpon- this opportunity to see one of the
ed due to the fact that the chairman most representative exhibits which
of the committee in charge Is now have come to Lexington in many
in Europe.



Guignol Players Labor for

Entertainment of Audience

Geol-OR- y,

Ceramics Fraternity, Holds
Banquet Monday


Tuesday, Aprli 28,






public on the subject of "Light Cor
puscles, waiurai 'waves, ana vnc
Laws of Physics."
Professor Haas has visited the
United States before, having lectured In the chief educational centers of this country, In 1927. He is
one of the outstanding, interna
tionally known physicists dealing
with the newer developments In the
science of physics. In 1928, the
Glbbs Committee of Yale University appointed Dr. Haas
with prominent American Engnsn
and Dutch scientists, of the Commentary on the Wtorks of the
Great American Physicist, J. William Glbbs.


In these



There arc many activities on our
huge campus, in fact so many that
the members in some of them are
seldom heard 'of, no matter how
much credit they have brought to
their various organizations.
The bodies which I refer to arc
the dramatic organizations, prin
cipally the Guignol at the Art
Center, which I believe is the most
prominent. Does the average student ever stop to consider the time
and energy which is spent in the
production of a play? There are
few If any. It is a tremendous responsibility to produce something
which will please the various patrons of amateur theatre. The largest part of this responsibility falls
on the director, of course, but to
his cast and production staff we
also should grant a certain share of
the burden.
Relatively few, are the inhabi
tants of our community who can
appreciate the work which Is concentrated in a play. In order to
acquaint students and patrons with
the work, which for the most part
goes unheralded, we will endeavor to
explain something about this

credit; this really does not natter
for they are not looking for credit;
they are interested In the work
and grow to love it the longer they
do it. The work is hard ana tedious, but they enjoy it, it is their
life on the campus and perhaps
may become more so, later.
The cast also has a long hare!
struggle to attain perfection. They
begin rehearsals usually the week
following the close of a play and
these continue until the opening
night. First they must try out to
find the ones most suited for parts.
After-th- e
cast has been selected it
becomes necessary for them to appear on the stage at least six nights
a week and sometimes the entire
seven. They must give up practically all evening activities in order
to devote their time to the play.
Besides their evenings they have
many lines to be memorised which
also take much time.
Last but not least, by all means
shall we praise the director who
has willingly devoted his entire time
to the direction of the play. He has
had numerous corrections to make,
many defects of speech to smooth
out and constant worry as to the
results of his work.
After so many nights of constant
rehearsing the work becomes monotonous and fatiguing and perhaps
the Interest wanes, but soon the
opening night looms, interest and,
excitement prevails, satisfaction
reigns as the curtain closes on the
first night, when sighs of relief are
heard on all sides.
In acclaiming the outstanding
activities on the campus let's not
forget that although dramatics Is
not constantly in the lime-ligh- t,
has hidden behind the scenes many
people that we wonder about; they
are working, to attain an end. They
have attained a great deal; they
have brought a few hours of enjoyment Into our lives, and a feeling

The Guignol Theatre produces
regular plays, besides others
for the entertainment of the community, during the season. Immediately after the close of one play
rehearsals are begun on the next.
The stage crew tears down a beau
tiful set In six hours which has taken them six weeks to construct,
working whenever' they are not In
school and sometimes when they
should be, laying aside their opportunity for social life in order to
get the "set" ready so that the
"show may go on." Many fretful
hours are spent In planning scen
ery, getlng proper color for
paintings sets and arranging lights
so that they will bring out the
richness of the varied colors. These
men, for they are generally men,
are not missed at sorority houses :j
or other social gathering places
for young folk, because they never !
They are I
have time to attend.
constantly on the Job aiding a pro- !
duction for the entertainment
of 2
others. They receive very little

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Concert Band to Play Greekettes to Hold
At Twilight Services Tennis Tournament
The second of the series of twilight concerts presented by the .university concert band will be held
at 7:15 p. m., Thursday, April 30
in, (Memorial amphitheatre.
The program follows:
March, Cinclnnatus, Cook
Selections from the opera "C aval-ler- ia
Rusticana," Mascagnl
Novelty, Indian Medicine Dance,
Medley, Old Time Favorites, Barnard
Gems from "Katinka," Friml
Kol Nldre, Traditional
Waltzes, Glory of Egypt, King
March, Stars and Stripes Forever,

tennis doubles
An intra-serori- ty
tournaments is being sponsored by
physical education de
tne women's
In case of two teams
entering from one sorority, a pre
llmlnary tournament will be held
to decide which team will piay in
the tournament matches. The first
round must be played off by Wed
nesday, weather permitting, and the
teams must arrange their own
Each team will have their places
drawn by a committee, and draw
ings-- will be posted Friday noon at
the women's gymnasium.
Boyd hall courts will be available
at any tune for tournament play.
The following sororities have en
tered teams In .the tournament:
Will Aloha Zeta, Obi Omega. Alpha Del
ta Theta. Kappa Karaa Oamiae,
Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Delta,
Alpha Gamma Delta, AJpna ju, ana
(Continued from Page One)
zeta Tau Ajpna.
A single tournament which will be
Officers of SuKy circle have anon the campus
open to any co-e- d
nounced that the names of organwill start May .
izations winning the prizes for the
will be revealed Friday
best floats
night at the Gingham dance in the
Men's gymnasium. Music for the Y. M. C. A.
dance will be furnished by the, Blue
and White orchestra. The price of
admission will ,be announced later.
Y. M. C. A. held installation serThree silver loving cups which
will be awarded to the organizations vices at 7 o'clock, Tuesday night, in
are now on display at the Tavern. the Y. M. O. A. rooms, with Dr. O.
All contestants are urged to submit O. Ross, presiding. The new officers
plans for their floats to the' dean are: president, Robert Stewart; vice
of men without delay. Failure to president, Robert Gllmore; treasurdo so will result in disqualification. er, Fred Hafer; secretary, Clarence

May Festivities
Open at Convocation

Installed Tuesday

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Dr. Frank Randall is confined to
The program was as follows:
Scripture, Bryant Jones
his home in Cherokee Park because
President's talk on the past year's
of partial paralysis of his face. He
has been unable to meet his classes work, Morton Walker
Address, Rev. Howard Morgan
Law College, where he teachIn the
Installation, Dr. O. O. Ross
es the Procedure courses. He has
Talk Robert Stewart.
been ill since last Thursday.

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