xl. '  `      —’   ``‘ ”   .  `  · .    r a  r    
l {—·»— ·    ;  f —  A,;, ·: ——»i;.   —     iilr   ” .  
lihii .     `t»-`-;   l gf    
`   ,       **2%:  g` ,.,`  * t l   , I
Z il ’l   Q     *-‘ ‘§.J7 ·~»-·v A   `V,. l §;Y* lr ii`. V
  ' I ‘hat’s how UK President Lee T.     ....   ` P   .
    Todd Jr. opened a "conversa- 1    I ,
M, I   tIOH” with President James K_       V   V
  _~_ I " .  Patterson, at the dedication of the V, _      
 V _   restored Main Building October 25 L V   ,,;  i “"”" I ‘    
Qi  celebrating the completion of this  1 ll  .l ii
·@!..f*·r,,i   extensive restoration project.     l
~tl,'·_‘ »‘ ,, . . . . . T ij  l
 ,,9;..: V; TIIIS IS E1 gI"CEl’[ Ciély IHIUHIVGTSIYY "   »  
ii , ,,3  of Kentucky hlstory," said Todd.   l
lu . · . . . , _ l Q
·f1‘,,,§_ "Bu1lt1n 1881 with clay and stone ’   r A i
{tl `  , found right here on campus, the  ··   e   .  Z  {_
  EIIII LII lllg IS all Il'1'lpOI`fElI'1f ·»_ *· a., » » .  ..
g Kentucky landmark. Opening it · .   Y... . , _ __A, _
° · again, not just to administrators but P" ,,__V "    ,
  i’,» · · · ‘ I
· $.,£V_ to {TIG €II‘[II'€ C3.I’1’1pl.lS COl”l'1I'IIl1IIIty, IS 3 ‘
 if il? i tremendous feeling. I look forward § V/I __
aj l to this building remaining a univer- E if
` ,;? . . 3 _
W I E Sli ICOH fOI' HIHII €21I'S '[O CO1'1I€.” gs i'
.,1* it E
— .... i  Thomas D. Clark, alumnus, Kentucky historian A (iii; '  " /""""'”"""
;_;__ . =  laureate and emeritus professor of history recalled _   _ _   _é'_ , j V
. V his first encounter with the Main Building when he $4-» _ A  
I "V· I- arrived as a graduate student in 1928. ` —\_ · —·   V
g V ·—`‘ "I landed in Kentucky without knowing anybody.   itj.  if    _ jj,  W . i T l
  l, I got out of a taxi cab right there," he said, pointing  j   V ‘ ~  I   i VV
Tl, Tl to the drive in front of the building. "Never could I   ' Q?  
I  l have imagined that this building would mean so  e,,_   ‘ , f'
E ’ , much in my life."   ,,___g_ 4  `* ;m__?      I
‘   Re—establishing the Main Building, Clark said,  I l  w r I I
* re—establishes Kentucky’s goal to make UK a na-  _ . k [ ._ ,
‘  ` ” €  tionally prominent university. "On that day histori—   I   V | I H
ans will have an opportunity to write a very happy     l_r_ — j V
chapter about a Commonwealth that had the cour—  r     V·   . :» g \
.   age, the energy and the imagination to realize its         _  ,  ` ~` \
5 full pessileiliiieev     F
. i Patterson’s statue still holds court between the é   - gjéss  
‘   Patterson Office Tower and the Main Building, E  
 V known to students and alumni as the Administra— g
` tion Building since 1948.The original building was   AA
designed by Harry R McDonald of McDonald and E  - `°— _é
Brothers (Architects) of Louisville. Patterson guar- eree i`
¤¤t€€d €0mPl€1i0¤ gf the building by Pledgmg HU of Columns from the original chapel, hidden for years, were rediscov-
his personal funds to cover the $81,000 construction ered after the tire and preserved inthe new public meeting room.
money borrowed to complete the project. Other _ _ _
buildings COIISIYUCIGCI at the genie time included ei The tower feature urlce agarrr graces the building.
men’s dormitory (later named White Hall), the
president’s house and the campus heating plant.