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1   *11     ,1‘1: ·1  1 Réacqualht YUIIISBII  
1         1 with Ul{’s colleges  
1       me 11 611 113 »4·‘» ze-she;1·.e.1,   ·‘
11 (.11,-.1.1,-;i11;1i1,&1°1sg11`irg;1   ,1 p _, 1 11 `   _ ¤ ,1     IM
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111 1 1 11   1 1 1 1111 1 1 11   11   1   Dean: Scott Smith,   Dean: Steven Hoch, Princeton 1983
Q, 1 11· 1 1 ~¤ 1l_l   1111 1·   1 1\/lichigan State 1978 Web site/phone number:
1_1 1-11 by 1 __ .;,81 1   1111,/ 1 1 1,1,; .11 f Web site/phone number: 1 http://www,as.uky.edu/Admin/
I , http:111/www.ca.uky.eclu/ 1 index.html, 859-257-5821
1* 111 11111 111*111* 1 *1*-1»11-1*121* 1111 1 859-257-4772 Main facility: Patterson Office Tower
1 1 ·   1 ,111;, I 1 A ,1,, 1, 111, ;· 1 Main facility: Year created: 1908
_ A 1 _ 1 _ [   Ag Science Center North 2004 degrees: 1,024
1 1   111` 111*1* 1   Yearcreated: 1 Total degrees awarded:41,665
  1- 1,1.1 {1 ,1_111,1`11.g~,1. 1;; `l_,11‘_1_1V-417 1 1889 (Home Economics, 1967) Students enrolled: 4,797
_ 1 1 _1 g,}   1 1 Schools:   Faculty:380
1   1 1 11 *1 1 11 1 1`1 '1 1`1 1 1 1 '11 1 111`I 1 1 Human Environmental Sciences   Living alumni: 39,273
  1 1111.f 11 11 I   ,1 T1 1; 111 1111·.111=1s1 1 2004 degrees: 520 Endowed chairs:2
1 _ , 1 { 1 Total de rees awarded: 18,368 — Professorshi $:8
1   11 1,1 1’1111` ,1 111 *1   11111111, 11 ,   $*¤616¤1;1116·¤r6116¤1=2~391 1 As the heart find intellectual core of
`111`111 1*   1111111111 111 11 11* 1111'N111111 111 F*1°1'11Y° 183 _ 1 UK, the College of Arts and Sciences
.1   11 11,_»  1151 11    L·r···g=·1···¤6·$ 11666 mars the rmaieaua atmosphere Ora
` 1   M 11], 1 1M,)v_\   E¤<16·Y6<161}=··{6=2 liberal arts college with the myriad
. -     ~     —.,—   1 Prolessorships.5 . €duCaUOnal0ppOl._
  1.11'1il1~;¤ ·,11_’Li 1· 11;. @1 11, 1 The College of Agriculture remains 1   11 ~ tunities ofamajor
1 NN 11 W11:m_',I_1g,.1,1 U 1 committed to its land—grant heritage     " 1 M,) research institution.
1 1 1° 1 ‘ “ ‘ ` 1 1 1" · of providing studentsapractical edu-   i1`-1. *11 Unlike other col-
1 111.1Y 11-lj11`171,111`}-1111111111.*11111< 1 cation relevant to real-world chal- 1 <1 E     legeS,A1‘tS and Sci-
1 1.,1 ,;1,.1:,,,,;._1 11,1,1 .1,,,.1,1   lcngcs. and delivering research—based   _ 1  · eneesimsthe 1
1 ` 1 6 ` " 1 knowledge to people throughout the       " I   pnvilege andre-
1 11`1 *111111 111:3   11*1 -1 111.11*1. 111111-.*- Commonwealth. Its alumni. who 1     **3 sponsibility of edu-
1 ,_, _]_`·1_`1\l1.V11i 1;;,1   61 lQLllllbC1` over 17.000 natllonwidelg 1 ii catglig evelgy
Vnowtiese missions an viewt em , stu entw oat-  
  1111 1 ’ 1  111 11~`  131*- #1 11 — 11* 1*1-111*   1 11 1   with pride. tends UK through basic coursesinthe  
1 1 , 1,   .11 1,1 ,1 , 1 1 117 1 The college has a progressive   humanities, social sciences and natural  
1 vision for agriculture in the 2lst cen- . and mathematical sciences. 1
1 1 tury. particularly as tobacco transi- Arts and Sciences students gain an 1
1 1 tions from center stage.Its research is 1 understanding of the history of ideas 1
1 1 now. more than ever. focused on di- 1 and of the natural world, develop criti-
 _: H ___ Z, 1 _ versifying agriculture. using 1 cal judgment, reasoning and communi-
1 =-·     ,1 _. , natural resources in a sustain- 1 cation skills and are encouraged to
1   » _.’l11;y1gb  ga g Q11}1 able way. developing new bio-   developalifelong love of learning.
·’Si;1§y   71* 1 1,, .~  `11"1 basedenterprises. helping rural Our faculty members are engaged
_  Q ··"*  "=1‘“ '1 ` communities grow. and improv-   in a wide range of research and scholar-
  li . . ~ ·"‘f U`. _ g V ing health and nutrition.The ship that brings national and intema— 1
· .~ L • 1 __ 1   1 J, 1- . college is earning national and tional recognition to the university and
_1_   ”`_ .1   A ` international prominence in 1 the Commonwealth.Distinguished 1
-1_ I- A 1_   1     `1 :,,,1}, _t» ..11 1 . many of these areas. I 1 alumni include corporate CEOs,edu- 1
· 1 3   ’   ——     ig gg · g IhecollegeotAgncu1ture cators. university presidents.actresses,  
·-1- willcontinue to make the nec- 1 authors and researchers as well as two 1
gg g 7 7 essaiy changes to remain a Nobel Prize-winning scientists -—John  
1 1 . leading force 1`or education and Hunt Morgan (genetics) and William  
outreach in thc 21st century. but one N. Lipscomb (boron hydiides). above.  
1 thing will not change-its commit- , _
  ment toimprovingthe lives ofKcn- 1  
  1,11 ·.     1~ 21111111.1 tuckians. 1
1 1