§ The Larue County Defense Council is affiliated _
{ with the Kentucky Defense Council
i Frankfort, Kentucky
lg Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky T
Q Chairman
ii John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
_§ Civilian Defense Q
  E. L. canemii, cemander ’ T
.L G. O. Kirkpatrick, Asst] Commander
gy T. G. Chatten, Co—ordinator
in P. L. Kennedy H. B. Kirkpatrick
3 C. D. Middleton J. D. Handley if
E. T. J. Poteet L. E. Owens
 GP E. H. Tewe Ollie Lyons
tl Guy Borders `Walter Middleton V
i Howard Gardner B. M. Morris i
é O. C. HcCubbins F. H. lblton g
Q? L. H. Mather iks. C. B. Funk A
Q This guide is prepared for the official use of i
it the Defense Council of Larue County and other I A
ih agencies engaged in defense work. It should not *
{ be made available for commercial use. Additional ;y;;g rl: ;{j {
Q copies can be obtained only at the office of tho_€€$·F.r‘