i ~ Mulch for Strawberries .,......,................... Recent Bulletins of General Interest ,,,. lm
. ,___,,____________,_____ November Vol. I, No. 4 ,.........,............. November Vol. I, No, 4 mm
’ Annual Meetings—Strawberry Asso- Kentucky Fruit Growers to Meet Jan- ‘
ciaticms ............ Dec.-Jau.V01. I, No. 5 nary 25 and 26 ut Lexingtcu ............ Fu
` » The Three '\V’s and How of Mulchlng ..........._,,.....4........ Dec.·Jan. Vol. I, N0. 5 IS
V Strawberries...,Dec.-Jan. Vol. I, No. 5 The Pruning Season ls ut Hand ..r......... Oi]
_ Q Gr0wer’s Comments on Strawberry ...,......»........,...,.... Dec.-Jan. Vol. I, N0. 5
1 Culture ........,... Dec.—.Ian. \’oI. I, N0. 5 \Vlnter Sprays .... Dec.·.Ian. Vol. I, N0. 5
  Raspbcrricsi General Insects and Diseases:
_ _ Insect Enemies Fight l\Ian's Battles 9
Trials of Black and Purple Raspbcr- in K€mu,.ky Orchards ______ __ ___v____A__ i
ries at the kentucky Lxperlnient ______________   _____>_4_____ A iigiiSiv0i_]_N0_1
` { Station -—*···~— Sevte¤¤¤e¤· VOL I- N0· 2 Inset-tary Inspection . ....,, . ...... , .......  
. } New Red Raspberry Varieties t.......A....... . _____   _VV__4__,_, stii,t,.i,,t,,.,- yur I, No 3
Z -·-»——·—~·-—-·----·--·—--·—— D€C·'J*m· Vol- L N0· 5 Some Interesting Facts (Tonccrnlng
; G I O h d San Jose Scale .. .   I ..,..,...,... . ,,..4..... . IU
» i °"°"a "° B" Z ..,......,........... ..Septen1ber Vol. I. No. 2
  · Preventing Sun Scald with Whitewnsli Some Scum I)iz?;iil,?,l;,,,,.`v,,i`"I"`Q,," ·»
  ..»............»,....t,,...... Au-ust Vol. I. No. 1 ‘‘‘‘’‘‘»‘‘‘‘‘ Q"'; ‘’`‘‘‘ `___ ‘ _ ' ‘_ ‘ ‘ '
· i Summer Meeting of \?l'estcrn Kentucky Peach TWL Boé;;,,::::lb;;,h\€,?I\§‘OL6"   ll
  l Apple and Peach Gliowqls `‘`‘‘```'‘' L ``‘````‘ Brown Rot on Peaches .. ..... .. ..., . .....,
., ```‘‘‘‘‘ J ‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ August \°l‘ L I\O‘ 1 September Vol. I, No. 2
. _ Tree-ripened Fruit..August Vol. I. No. 1 B " `‘‘`````‘‘`'``‘`' J" L _
. . , , eekeeplng in lxentumky ..     .. .. . I2
. Recent Bulletins .... August \ ol. I, Ixo. 1 O(_mbm_ ,.0, I No 3
  P " $***8 I""“` F"? E‘“‘$",···,·~·§ ······ { ·»·· ittéELQ}${`siél¥ii§"`it·0.—k with suit .1550 ‘
· A `'''°`''``'‘‘‘`'’‘`````` ` ugust 0 'Y ‘ ‘ O' Scale _ __ __   __ _()(3t1_)l)(·i· \'()l_ ]_ Xg fl
‘ Se te be·\oI I No "
J , ' D m l ' ;‘ ' " Apple Aphids and Their Control ........ .
  g October \ol. I, l\o. 3 DC(__Jm, Vol I N0 5
__j,—_j . Shall \Ve Expand the Commercial ’ ‘ ` I " i``' '
  . Peach Plantings of Western Ken- 1
  i tucky? ............ September Vol. I, No. 2 ANNUAL SHORT COURSE
..·_` V ‘ Summer Fruit Meeting of Central Ken- Western Kentucky Experiment
  . 5 t k * G * ........................................ .
  2 5   ..... Tll.?Sipte1iiber Vol. I, No. 2 Substauon
_`   The Kentucky Peach Season .........,...... Pi-jnc€t,O·n_ Kentucky 2
—_r» y gg ........................ September Vol. I, No. 2
    Fruit Growing Goes Forward .l... . ......... FEBRUARY 23-24
  i   P_-—-Q-·é-i--Q -—-~—-- ié0\5>¤>I>eg VOL ii   3 Tilt- eiemll Annual s il 0 r 1
  g 5 l‘ll1 -0 *er. our pray . acnne . _ _ · · ,_ _ _,
Q?] {   in Good Order?..October Vol. I, No, 3 (_°mS*_ ct th? “ cslcml K -
  Too L-[any Yvinesgpg and Rgd Delicious I‘;X})(‘I'llllt’lll §llllSI2lI|()ll, Princcton.
    ............................ OCtOb€1‘ YOI. I, N0. 3 l\(*]]t\l(·k}'_ will be held T]iiii·gd;it·
  €¤;¤¤;§r¤§1:I;1e¤<;gglligetgi °fAPI’l€$ and Friday. February 23 and 24.
  in 9 ae0 RSIIIVOII ......,......... ri ,.,. , . . _ ... .., ,_
NF;   .-Nu-In-HiwU-uu-I-HOCtOb€l` \,Ol. Iv NO' 3 1l\(§[' d]il\I](]·l §l¥)]t §(?[][>·(‘·$   hg
`j3j_.§Q, I Announcement of Annual Meeting of QZUIIIC Mcnts o izicat inttiest t·· {
?>;_}`L; Fruit G]‘()\\'€1'5 ______________________________________ l;|I‘]]](·]‘5 mid ;ig]‘]r·]il[ui·;il “*()i·k(•i·>
  *‘ “ ...... L ................ Nogember Vol. I, No. 4 of ii-,·Si,.i·i, i{,.i,im.k,-_ q·i,,.,- Sm-,·,.
T§C?`5§" 'atc for Fiel Mice Injury in , . , . __.l _ ,._ ,1 ,. · . tl ,
  0·-(was During ·~n¤e¤ ·.........,......»..» ‘i§.‘.§§§,"‘ '§}l §Q‘_‘§}fj,,l§‘_‘ ,,'{",.,.§L I.
  ........................ November Vol. I, No. 4 ( "‘ I-- I ll} ’ I Y · ~ ··
  New Lead Tolerance on Apples ______._____ Hlltl ]ll`<·‘\'lU\lS years Work and .l`___ lwliitnii) ..3 It motct t‘llllI(‘·} lc
 ·_`>’ i .._.,............,...... November Vol. I, No. 4 lwrry mid fruit gi-owing mid iiigtwt
.,,..,t‘-E /