well as to catch the rain and in- ideas in regard to the value of   '
crease the amount of water that mulehing strawberries, the right i fac
soaks into the soil under the mulch. times tor applying this mulch, and l wil
The straw offers a tire hazard which the proper amounts to apply. Real-   31*4
has to be considered in d1·y tinies. izing these many ditferences of be
, \Vork soon to be published by the opinion, an attempt is being made <‘l\1
. Kentucky Experiment Station at to get somc speeitie inl'ormation in i '
A ‘ liexington showed a remarkable in- regard to various nmlehing prac- ’ ly
crease in yield and growth of new tiees. il<*=
eanes on Latham raspberries from This gtully is loelltell in the straw- » lll?
_ = · at ll(‘llY}' Z1ppli0&1tl011 of St1‘¢\\\`}’ berry prodiieing areas with sir com- ·
  lllilIllll'(‘.   TOIIS PCI} HCYC. \Vllt‘l‘0 ulk\l'(*i:ll g[·U\\‘l·[·g_ 'llhp gl-0\\·(·]·S app; lllt
available this manure treatment, [L tiigpx i_,,ug,\.i]i,._ Rt- 4; 1,~1.,.(l,. Iltt
. along with so1ne additional straw, pick ii,.)-pry i»;,,iH,.nil’ HL 2. l_,,$h.l. wt
should be a splendid lirst il‘L‘Lll111<‘1\l ll;.]-I-ig_ li.-yil; .Iohnnv \\`arner, UN
—¥ to establish the mulch and no addi- 1>m]m.u],_ m_ U; _|_ ]A_ j;,.g,.,,_ i;(.,,_ can
- tional nitrates would be needed. imp RL ig; ami ;|_ ],_ iw-p,·|,\·_ Mm, ap
Raspberry nmlehing work is lisp], ];;_   ` ` lll;
lm"? "“l“"g“"l, M llw l“"}t“9l*Y ln these studies tln·i·i· ititi1·i·t~n1 “"
‘\g1`.l°llllllml 1"xl“`m“°m‘ étutmu amounts ot` mulch are being used. "g`
all Lexington and at the \\’estern uml th(_s(_ nw um)]i(_d at tIm_'_ (me
~ lxentueky Experiment Snbstation i·l,l._lHt timl,S_ 7l\lH‘ mst NMS “.`_,.l, A
~ at ljrineeton this season, and sonic mul`.h(,ll uimul |)l.l._,miN,l. 21 th,.
_ additional work in several locations UHH,1. hw SMS of plots In IN.
  OVC? the stm IS °°1lt€mPl*ll'€°l· A inulehed at six week intervals from ill.
  red raspberry niulclnng plotlis also that (limo '1'his wm milk? ih`, lm
`_i b?mS SEm`l°“l bY th? Mliwum Smw second mnlehing date eome the en
j l