of i These reeords should give some new infections. The disease is
tit taets t`or the season at hand and worse during wet years like 1938
td will no dottbt vary from year to then lll dry years like 1936,
tl- · year; so several years’ reeords will .
of be needed before any speeiiie eon- Bordeaux Spray m f¤¤b1¤¤m j
lv Vlusimls mm be dmwu lt has beenliound recently that y
in 'l`his work is being watehed elose· il _t-¥*"'“l* l’0l'_l“’l' Ul the bl0$S0m t
`(__ I). M. g1.U“.m.s in the Scwml lOcu1i_ blight intectton ean be prevented ;
ties. attd general interest in muleh- I'} ·‘ USM l*"l`d*‘*lll\ ll··i·¥*O) t »
W ing is Un [hc im.l.l,uSc_ spray durtng lull bloom. I ‘
u_ lt is planned to have meetings at Czmkel. Treatment »
Q,. the various nntleh test fields at the ,1. _ _ ._ l _ . Q
. . _ I . l_ I_l. r Tl _ _ o tetnoye the disease from the t
l<‘ mm. Ul [IL 'M mu L mil"' ILT old e·tnkers whieh are the seats of i
_I. will be tor the purpose of studying - - 4 K _ - ' ` s ‘
~ . . . · niteetton is terv important. I*or ·
__ the eondnton ot tlte plots inulehed _ _ _ · . ; _
I. . tnanx years the p1‘:t<·t1ee has been t
. e&Ll'll•‘l‘ itlld to see the last ntttlelt ‘ ‘ ’
" . ,. . to elean out the eattkers down to `
\.> [lil]llll'll. llll' llIllt'S l()l` lllt'S4{ l|l|‘|_‘l— Illnlllllv lylrli [lull tllllll      
` ings, whi··h will be abottt llareh 15. `   ` ` ` . . I ,, ‘ 9
  V area with some tltsinleetant. the t
will be announced bv the eountv A . ,, [ , . ,
lll t . ‘ ‘ \\lJ1'l{ tlotte 1lt ll‘ll1lL‘SSCU (llld (,·Z1l1- i
{ ;t1{•·llt Ilt t*1\t‘ll SCUIIMIL . - _ __ . !
‘< . " lol‘l|1:t >l1t)\\> tltttt ltttltélt 1110l'C Stills- l
if faetorv results eau be had bv paint-  
.1-.· A FIRE BLIGHT TREATMENT ing a line ehloride solution over the I i
he FOR FEARS AND APPLES diseased area. This is more rapid  
be .\ reeent eireular tNo. U2) from and less expensive. The solution   .
an the Tetntessee A-\grieultural Iixperi- penetrates the eanker and kills the  
he ment Station. Knoxville, Tennessee. bacteria. lt is pointed out that the   ;
he entitled " l·`ire Blight (`anker solution can be used itt winter or in { f
rd 'l`reatments" by llr, Brooks D. summer and should not lie applied '.
·eh l)rain gives soine valttable infor- to foliage or eurrent seasonis l Q
»t~ mation on the treating of this dis- tnew) growth. as it will eause t- `{
In- ease by a method ttsed there in serious damage to the tender  
Tennessee with stteeess for several growth. lt is reeonnnended that t 1
ot` years. new twigs and shoots that are af- l  
re. l·`ire blight has long been a feeted be broken otf several inehes  
tne seourge to those partieularly in below the infections to stop the dis-  {E
llll lll\‘ Stllllll \\llll illlt‘llllll lll gl`()\\i l*il$l’ lil'tllll glllllf (lll llll\\ill llll‘SC  
tr pears and apples. l·`or years there shoots and entering larger litnbs or  
ill`. \\`ilS lltv l\ill`llt'lllill`l}' l‘ll·t`l’ll\'(‘ llicillr lllll L'l`llll'll tlli lllll ll`l`l`. .¢-A
stx tnent for the disease. and laree The zine ehloride solution is  
° . . . . 1
ber sums ot inonev have been stent bv tainted on with an ordinary yatnt  E
  · . . . · l y . . . · . 2 c
tlte dttterent state institutions brush til;-tneh size is eonvententi.  
ese searehing for adetptate eontrol 'l`lte tree should be examined sys-  
try tneasttres. tematieally. painting over eaeh  
ing 'l`lte tlisegtse lives tive? \\'llltCI` itt t';llll(t‘l' tltltl F to lll iltclles ;tl)t)\`C  
los- an oeeasional eanker on the larger and below it. Small infeeted limbs  
,ot` limbs and sometimes on small should be painted all arottnd. The `Z-gg
tar- twigs. ln the spring drops ol. sap. bark should be dry when treated to  
rest eontaining the disease bacteria. prevent dilution of the prepara-  
gh ooxe from these eankers. These tion.  
ree baeteria are spread by inseets and "The Station has found the 4%}  gg.;
ind rain to ne\v shoots, t`oliae;e, and Jer eent Solution safe and etfeetive  "$
. ` - V.  
from blossom to blossom, eausing on the older wood. A od per eent { 