I i tif they occur will he found as a of the trunk, breaking of branches,   yl
g. single plant which should be or poor pruning. These are often   -
; ’ isolated for propagation. Usually, partly tilted with rotten or pnnky T
; . several years are required to make wood. Such places should he
. certain that the new characters are cleaned out and a suitable dressing
; · constant and distinctive from the applied.
  grigjugtl \·;u·ioty_ lu any Selgetiott SONIC 01'L’ll2ll'tls ill‘t¥ llllL‘1't‘tl \\'lll1 ’
  of best plains to he used for prop- prnnings, strips of old hands, hits i F,
` agation purposes, the chances are ot` baskets and crates, fertilizer ‘
l‘(‘H10t€ that "Sport" plants will be sacks, pieces of old ulollting. .\ll
_ . » found among them. such rubbish should he cleaned up ‘
 ° and linrned. tru
1 ` CODLING MOTH CONTROL BY tlrowers are familiar with the ltig
l ORCHARD SANITATION tact that worms are worse at-input its)
P. O. Ritchor buildings and })tlt'l{lllg‘·Sllt‘tlS. llns  
·;— is heeanse the gathering together niti
  '1`h¤t>¤1‘i<¤l—   apple trees. Other worms are ere
;f ;   found on exposed roots. in dried CARLOAD WEIGHTS grt
  t   apples. in old prunings, old baskets. 'l`he \Vest Virginia, Virginia and pri
    i liners, insecticide sacks and other l’enusylvania llort. societies liayc ` du
[.*3}..; litter. Many worms are found in joined together in seeking to redu··· sm
  packing sheds. the size of minimum earloads ot in
  Scraping the rough bark from apples from Ittllltltl to 2l.llll" or;
  trreesuvillidcstroy many worms, pounds. .r\ppeals were made lp ex;
  _.·.  t, _ especially if the scrapings are col- several railroads serving that terrt
  lccted and burned. Scraped trees tory to aid in securing the redue
  may be banded later. Old hoes or tion. 'l`heir argument is that the
  t- mower blade sections may he used Z—l,lll)tl-pottnd car of ·tso ltushels no
  to make good scrapers. is easier t`or ltotlt dealers and grow Sm
  Trees in many orchards have old ers to handle than the Cltllltltl pound of
  wounds resulting from the splitting ear containing titltl bushels.
  This publication is a. part of the services rendered hy the Melton- hu
  ‘ Cleveland lull, passed by the 1938 Kentucky tleneral i\ssenil>ly in 4tl
  special session. which authorized and appropriated a Special llorti- lil
  . cultural Fund to be administered hy the Kentucky i\gricultural ap
  Experiment; Station of the University ol' Kentucky. This hill provides ag
    for liorticultural services to the fruit and herry growers of the state. l m