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Kentuckians planning.to be a part Of Lexington's representative in Con-
the October 14 March on Washington for gress, Larry Hopkins, has recently re-
lesbian and gay rights are asked to sponded to a letter sent him by the
contact Dennis Priddy who is the state Lexington Gay Services Organization on
coordinator for the march. He would the subject of gay rights as well as to
like to know of any person planning to letters from individuals on the same
stay over to lobby congress on the 15-~ subject. The letter from GSO contained
You may reach Dennis when you arrive in a brief explanation of H.R. 2074--the
Washington by calling him at the capi— bill now pending in Congress which
tol Hilton hotel. He will also be able would prohibit discrimination on the
to brief you on the latest information basis of sexual orientation; the letter
concerning any group action on the part went on to ask Hopkins to consider and
of Kentuckians. to support the legislation.

According to Dennis, the March on In his reply to the group, Hopkins
Washington is jUSt a beginning. When assumed a noncommittal stance. He ex-
that is completed, he Will be taking plained that the bill is assigned to
Steps to develop and coordinate a group the House Judiciary Committee's Subcom-
to continue lobbying efforts on a State mittee ' on Civil and Constitutional
level. Rights: no action has been taken there

The usual legislative pattern is to
hold hearings on a bill at the subcom—
CALENDAR OF EVENTS mittee level and then vote on whether
to send it to the full committee for
Oct. 7 Rap Group at Southland Branch consideration. If that vote is favor-
of the Lexington Public Li- able, the full committee can hold its
brary (521 Southland Dr.) The own set of hearings if it chooses be-
group begins at l p.m. and fore voting on the bill. If the bill
runs to 3 p.m. receives a favorable committee vote, it
Oct. 14 March and rally in Washington then goes to the House itself for con-
for lesbian and gay rights. sideration and (depending on the
Oct. 21 Rap Group. (See OCt- 7 for House's schedule, time constraints, and
further details.) other factors). Since he is not a
OCt- 27 Benefit dinner for G30 at House Judiciary Committee member, Hop-
Jezebel's. From 5 to 7 p.m. kins would not have an opportunity to
Tasty spaghetti, wine, and the vote on H.R. 2074 until it reaches the
trimmings as well as tasteful full House for consideration. When and
waiters/waitresses. Enjoy a if it does, he says he will carefully
fun meal and help OUt GSO- review the Judiciary committee's recom-
$2-50 donation. . mendations and keep GSO's views in mind

Oct. 28 GSO Speakers Bureau training as well.
session- 1 p.m. Call Gayline H.R. 2074 is not likely to move out
for more information. of the subcommittee where it presently
Nov. 5 Regular monthly GSO meeting at resides for some time. The House is
Walton Ave. Center (183 Walton behind in its work schedule as it is;
Ave.) at 8 p.m. Newcomers the gay rights legislation is not a top
welcome. priority item to most House members.
Nov. 7 Holly Near concert. Sponsored If anything, as a controversial issue
by Amber Moon Prod. and SAFE (like abortion), gay rights is some-
‘ $5.00 Call 278—2187 for more thing most Congresspeople would almost
information. surely like to aVOld taking a stand on.