STEVEN. Yes, of course Dick'll come back,

Georgy [Short pause.], but won't he despise me

  GEORGIANA. No, you're my brother. And oh,

Steven, forgive me, but I'm so happy. [Hugging

the pillows on the so/a and burying her lace in

them.]  Don't let me be silly - don't let me

forget I'm an old maid, -and there's no fool

like an old fool! I mustn't forget there's prob-

ably an orange or two among the blossoms for

my hair!

  [MRS. CARLEY and LOUISE come into the room

    from the Right without speaking. They look

    lrom GEORGIANA to STEVEN. They are under

    the strain of violent emotion almost too much

    bor  words. Their  appearance is tragic.]

    There is a pause.

  STEVEN. Sam has told you

  LOUISE. It isn't true what he says