BELLA. I can't say as I've ever really had any

experience of his hair, ma'am.

  GEORGIANA. But do you think him an awfully

handsome man, Bella, or am I prejudiced

  B ELLA. No, indeed, I never seen a handsomer

gentleman, not even in the pictures of gentlemen's

clothes in tailor store windows. [Puts comb

down, and takes brush and brushes again.] But

what continues to make me nervous about Mr.

Gootch is that he's right there among all those

black creatures, whose manners is very free, I'm

told, and whose style of dressing is peculiar, the

least you say! Mr. Gootch always did favor

dark-complexioned people, and if that letter

don't come to-morrow-

  [Getting excited, she again pulls GEORGIANA'S


  GEORGIANA. Ouch! [Laughing, holds up her