The Executive Committee, pursuant to adjourn-
ment, met in the Trustees Room of the University at

12 o'clock M. May 31, 1916 and proceeded to canvas the

vote cast by the Alumni Association for the four oanidates

who had previously been- nominated for membership of the

Board of Trustees of the University.   The ballots were

opened publicily according to law by the Executive Come

mittee and the ballots having been duly counted, the

vote as cast resulted as follows:-

               Dr. 8. B. Marks         347 Votes
               J. Frank Battaile       309   "
               John Wesley Woods       257   "
               Elizabeth K. Smith      21g  "

          Besides the.Executive Committee, the following

persons were present, MT. L. Didlake, J. I. Lyle, J. B.

Turner, E. C. Freeman, Dr. Marius Johnson and P. T. Murrell
Whereupon, Dr. S. B. larks and J. Frank Battaile were de-

clared duly elected and the secretary of the Board was di-

rected to properly certify the result of this election to

the Governor of Kentucky that Commissioners as Trustees may

be issued to the two above named persons. Whereupon, the

Committee then adjourned.