   at "  .
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1 L k gAh cIWthC fd
UK °s co in eu i on i ence I
s we look toward tl1e challenges of kitten Your umo and orrorrs ru Pa-ruo_rPauug
it 4»_  i i  v_ Ahtho ooining yoan and the issuos that in the phonathon to other alumni, m con-
.    r I  = an ho ivotooast as Wah as thoso that tacting legislators and in writing letters to
  _ are unpredictable, I am reminded of how Your rooru rroVf’SPoPorS Provrdoo SuPPorr
  Y  tmpattaat Out alumni ate in miptttg this that led t0 the tml bill ¤1>r>¤‘~<·>dby the leg- t
V at   institution gtout ntosnot and hoooino tho islature, which, for tl1e commumty colleges, 1
¥ I `  E best it can be. You have shown time and ruruurruus uro uo ro_uK= urur was uor u Parr {
b  ( [  time again with your heads, hearts and voic- of uio govoruors <>¤g1¤¤J ProPoS*u· I
  ,  ·  » ·· es the commitment you have for UK. Let Iam oourruour urur You Wru be uroro ror  
  “   · uio oount tho Ways] UK IH future years as well as we continue to ’
i 2 V tltt ’ You hoho us tootuit good studonts by work to make this university the best it can  
i   hosting receptions for high scl1ool seniors bo- _  
      a11d merit scholars and by attending college AS 3-r“'oYS· thanks ror Your oouurruou  
_ . {airs when our people in admissions aren’t Srroug SuPPorr· ·`
. able to get tl1ere. Students from Dallas to  
, Dayton, Indianapolis to Huntsville, Ala.,  
have heard the enthusiastic voices of our V 
  E alumni. .
You help provide needed dollars for pro-  
jects that otherwise would never be com- i
pleted -— such projects as the new library, i 
the alumni house renovations, the CATS  
Center and the many other projects that  
have earned your support.  
Perhaps more important, you help raise  
money that provides scholarships for needy .  
and deserving students as well as for some  
of the finest young minds who cl1oose to  
attend UK.  
Your l1elp l1onors some of our best  
teacl1ers lll1I'OUgl1 the annual Great Teacher  
You participate in public service projects i
in your communities that help keep the  
good name of tl1e university before tl1e peo- fl
ple we need to reach, not only in Kentucky  
but throughout the U11ited States.  
And you are tl1ere to form a network of  
support on issues that are vital to the uni-  
versity -- whether tl1e issue is increased `
funding or keeping UK ownership of tl1e I
I community colleges. As an example ofthe  
30 K1·:x’rri:m‘ Arrisixrs FALL 1997