h · 121 - ·
County School Superintendent (Next entry 2h5, p. 122) (
_ judge for the county tax fund (ibid., see, hh65a·10). He is also required to
" ; organize and hold an annual teacHer*s institute for not more than ten or less (
A than five days, for the better qualification and educational improvement of §
' { teachers in the county and see that the proceedings are published (ibid., sec. §
r M50?-17). He must be a member of the library committee and keep a tEEEher*s g
j library in his office (ibid., sec. U518). j
An act passed in 1920 and amended in 1922, makes the county school su- g
perintendent executive officer of the board of education. Unless his own §
term, salary, or the administration of his office is under consideration, Q
_ he is required to attend all meetings. He can advise on any question but Q
cannot vote. (Carroll, sec. h599a-2.) The county beard of education may, ’
~- if it deems it necessary, appoint assistant superintendents (ibid., soc. g
v h599-5}+) · i
( Before assuming his duties, the county school superintendent is re- (
` quired by an act passed in 195h to present to the board a statement signed ;
by the state superintendent of public instruction that he has been issued a *
certificate of administration and supervision (Carroll, sec. h599—5h). By
‘ this act the superintendent retains his former duties in substantially the
same form and is given power to enforce all laws and rules relating to
schools. By it, he is granted authority to appoint necessary clerks to pre-
pare rules, regulations, by-laws, and statements of policy for the approval
and adoption by the board and subject to its control, and to have general [
` supervision of the conduct, course of instruction, management of teachers,
" discipline of pupils, and management of business affairs. (Ibid., secs.
M599—l6, -5h.) He is further empowered to appoint members to any free li-
braries that may be established (ibid., sec. 958d—5), During the School
term he is exempt from jury serviE€`(ibid., see, 2255a-2).
He is required to furnish a statement showing the boundaries of school E
districts for the purpose of tax assessments to companies operating railroads E
_ Or bridges, and receive taxes from such companies (Carroll, secs. hO99, MlOO). ‘
' i At the close of the school year, he must make an annual report to the state
board of education, giving an itemized account of all funds received from the \
state and other sources, and a statement of all expenditures during the year E
, (ibid., SGC. h570—5)· l
l The county school superintendent and the county judge nominate a list Q
i of persons from which they may appoint three to five persons as members of §
the county children's bureau (Carroll, sec. 55lL-16). The superintendent Q
, also nominates attendance offic€Y§_in the school districts for appointment E
· by the board (ibid., sec. hb5h—6), and recommends teachers, where the sub- (
g district trustEe*fails te, for appointment by the board (ibid., sec. h599— *
9). This board has not been created in Carlisle County. l `
All records are located in the county school superintendent*s office, [
. unless otherwise specified. E
g 1*1-20-126 X