- 122 - ‘
; County School Superintendent — Appointments and (2h5-2b9) ;
_ Contracts; Enrellmonts and Attendance;
A Resignations ‘
Appointments and Contracts i
, · y {
d" 2hS. (TEACHERS APPLICATIONS), 1922--. l file box. 3
_ Applications of teachers filed with county board of education, showing name j
and address of applicant, certificate of professional training, previous ex- 3
. perience, normal training and college attended, degree attained, date appli- i
· » cation filed, signature of applicant. Arr, chron, by date filed. No index. 3
. A Hdw. on pr, fms. lhxh%xlO. g
,VA, j 5
Q I » aha. (EMPLOYMENT caarisicxms), 1906--. 1 riie box. j
~ L . Applications for employment certificates, showing date, name and address of i
applicant, school attended, grade completed, physicians certificate, signa- 4
Y ture of applicant, approval or disapproval of county school superintendent. I
`· E Arr. chron. by date of application, No index. Hdw, on pr. fms, 1hxhxlO%. 1
’·. A Enrollments and Attendance *
Records of school children in county, showing date of enrollment, name, ago,
sox, and race of child, names of parents or guardian, school entered, dis-
trict number, grade, number of days absent, daily, monthly, and term average
· attendance of pupils by grades, name of teacher. Arr, numor. by dist. no.
and alph. thereunder by name of child. No index. Hdw. on pr. fms. Aver,
» 220 pp. Qxéxlé.
S 2hB. RESIGNATIONS OF TRUSTEES), 19lh--. In (Sub-District School Trus— L
Q tee Elections), entry 22h. 2
~ Letters of resignation from trustees, showing name of trustee, date and Q
I reason given for resignation. {
2hQ. (RESIONATIONS OF TEACHERS), l91b--. In (Sub—District School t
Trustee Elections), entry 22h. i
E Letters of resignation from teachers, showing name of teacher, date and {
._ reason given for resignation. Q
i. , E
. >
· ri-2e-127  