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V _ Bibliography
County Court Orders, 1886, vol. 1, entry 160, in Car-
lisle County Inventory, this volume.
Deeds, 1886, vol. l, entry 15, in Carlisle County In- l
ventory, this volume.
Acts 2; the General Assembly 2; Kentucky, 1885-86,
vols. 1, E, (John D. Woods, Frankfort, Kentucky).
Collins, Richard H., History 2; Kentucky, vol. 2,
(John P. Morton and Company, Louisvi e, Ky., 192h).
Cotterill, R. S., History 2; Pioneer Kentucky,
V (Johnson and Hardin, Cincinnati, Ohio, lgfif.
Johnston, J. Stoddard, Memorial History Ei Louisville,
vol. 1, (Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago-New
York, 1896).
Perrin, W. H., History 25 Kentucky, (F. A. Battey and
Company, Louisville and Chicago, 1887).
Kentucky Magazine, (published by Associated Industries
of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky., September 1927).
Kentucky; Resources, Attractions, Opportunities, (pub-
lished By the Kenticky Opportunities Department of
Associated Industries of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky.).
15th Census of the United States, 1950, vol. 1,
(United StatE§ Government Printing Office, Washington,
D. C., 1951).