- me -
e Entry titles are arranged by initial dates and alphabetically under ?
fi the current dates; non-current records precede the current. Numerals 1
{ following titles refer to entry numbers. 1
’ I
·,  I
E 1886. (Stock law petitions), 190 Q
{ 1886-89, 189h. Road orders (Road oversocrs* appointmcntm, 161 Q
cQ 1886-1905. " Suits to condemn land (Petitions), 185 3
u ieee-1912, 195Lr-56. Executions, 100 i
—iV., F 1886--. Administratorsi bonds, 181 i
, 1886--. Administrators, executors, trustees, and i
» assignees settlements, 175 1
_ ;_qw e 1886--. Administrators* settlements, 172 2
{ 1886--. (Affidavits of descent), M5 1
,· 2_‘ ; 1886--. Agreements, 21 ‘ 3
1 1886--. (Appointments by county judge), 69 3
1 rfg { 1886--. Applications for blind pensions, 2
Q 1886--. (Appointments of Appraisers), 165
Q 1886--. (Appointment of Board of Equalizers), 70 ·
__Q,U_ L 1886--. Apprentice bonds, 19h 1
' 1886--. Assignee and trustee settlements, 176
{ 1886--. Assigneesf bond book, 18h `
, 1886--. Attachment bonds with affidavit of surety, 115
f 1886--. Bonds, leases, contracts, releases, and ’ r
power of attorneys (Miscellaneous papers), 281
- 1886--. Cash receipts, 59 E
1886--. Certificates of election, 226 .
T 1886--. Chattel mortgages, 50 »
. ; 7 1886--. Chattel mortgages, 51 -
, 1886--. (Chattel mortgage releases), 55
i 1886--. civii ereei-e, 7h k
1  1886--. civii minute books, 72  
. 1886--. Civil replevin bonds, lll l
f 1886--. Civil witness attendance, 108 E
1886-. Commissioners* deeds, 155 ‘ )
f 1886--. Commissions (Public officers), 296 .
_ 1886--. Commonwealth cases (Subpoenas), 191 1
Q 1886--. Commonwealth docket, 90 1
? 1886--. Commonwealth order books, 75 1
1886--. Constable bonds, 52 1
l 1886--. (Coroners* inquosts), 215 1
1886--. County and fiscal court claims, ll 1
» 1886--. County court docket, 188 l _
1886--. County court orders, 160
1886--. County court papers (Miscellaneous), 167
1886--. (County judge*s bonds), M8 +
_ 1886-, (County school superintendcnt*s annual 1
1 census report), 250 1
1 1886--. (County c1erk*s reports), 66 g
` Fi-20-11p5