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E General Index (Or-py) J
* Orders (Cont.) Petitions (Cont.) ‘
, circuit court, 7h, 75 land condemnation, 185 {
r county court, 160-162 stock law, 190, 229 Q
fiscal court, 1 _ suits to condemn land, 185 Q
jurors to others, 97 Photographs S
juvenile court, 195 county judges, 71 j
quarterly court, 195 Physical Q
road, 161, 162 examinations ‘ §
· Ordinary‘ food handlers, 27h, 275 3
docket, 89 infant and pre—schoo1 age, 257 `
S¤mm0¤S9S, 9h school children, 256 g
V organization and records system, p. Physicians, 57 ‘ g
9 " ` Pollbook, receipt of, p. 50 g
Overseers, road, 161, 162 population gf g
5 Ownership, notice of, 28 Bardwell, county seat, p. 6 é
‘ Carlisle County, p. 6 %
Parsons, N. J. Power of attorney, M6, 281 §
bills paid by, 2h5 ' Preface, pp. iv, v Q
Pauper idiots, committee bonds, 125 Premise inspection reports, 275 3
Payment of interest Pre-school records, 257 L
road and bridge bonds, 65 Price, Ike, 71 2
Payrolls, ‘ Primary road system, 282 Q
health, 275, 277, 278 Prisoners, register of, 21h Q
highway, 282 Private g
surveyorrs, 279 individuals, bonds, 55, 56 {
- Peace, liquor bonds, 119 premise inspection, 275 ?
Pensions Probate, see Wills {
Also see Aid; Relief; Welfare pyO¤eedisg§“ {
—appliEHtions of blind, 2, 167 circuit court, see Minutes and Z
‘ soldiers and widows orders, circuit_Eourt Q
applications for, 5 county court, see Minutes, ;
Personal property, 18-22 county court "—` t
assessments, 216 juvenile court, see Orders, F
mortgages, see Mortgages, chattel juvenile court "—`
index to,—EEe index to Mortga- lunacy, see Lunacy proceedings
ges, chattel quarterl§7Eburt, see Orders, 1
Petit jurors, list of, lL6 quarterly court _~_` V
Petitions Processes, taxes on, lhl, lh2 {
amended, 80, 96 Property t
and elections, 220-22h, assessments, 216 {
and judgments, 79 omitted, 56 1
answers to, 79, 81 assignments, 22
board of education, 229 bequeathed, see Wills S
bond issues, see Bond issues, claims, see lEEns, material
petitions fo?—* deeds to`YEa1 estate, 15-15, 17, { '
circuit court, 79, 81, 94 212, 25n F
civil suits, 187 fire insurance, see Insurance, p
condemnation proceedings, 185 mortgages, see M8Ytgages, real, 1
construction of highways, 6, 282 index to,_EEe Mortgages, real, l
county court, 187 index to _~—
fiscal court, 2-6 personal, 18-22 Q