- 161 - _, `;
1 General Index (pr-re)
 l  ·#
i Property Real
g personal (Cont.) estate (Cont,) Q
. mortgages, see Mortgages, chat- mortgages, see Mortgages, real 1
tel, "-5- property, `-_` Q
index to, see Mortgages, index to, sec Mortgages, real g
ehattel, index to ‘ property,—iHdex to i
real estate deeds, 15-15, 17, 212, property Q
25h ‘ assessments, 216 2
sales bills, 179, 180 omitted, 56 3
school, deeds to, 25h mortgages, see Mortgages, real 5
f sold by ’ property, _-` ,
master commissioner, 156 index to, see Index to, E
sheriff, 207 mortgages?-real property F
taxes, recapitulation of, 218 Recapitulation of assessments, 218 Q
_ Public ‘ ‘ Receipts 2
notary bonds, see Bonds, notary attorneys, suits withdrawn, 152 g
public cash Q
offices circuit court clerk, 127-151 i
candidates for, 220-222 county court, 59 L
Public accounts, auditor of school funds, 2hl 1
reports to, 15h, 155 sheriff, 211 Q
Public funds, treasurer, 219 Y
circuit court, 127-129 jurors, 1h6 i
county court, 59, eo payment of medical supplies, 255 5
quarterly court, 198, 199 school funds f
Public health service, United States auditor*s report, 258 1
1 communicable disease control, 260 summary of, 2hl Y
_ Public officials bonds, see Bonds, treasurer*s reports, 2h0 {
public officials _-°— sheep claims, 209 f
Public utilities, 18 tax, 206 2
Pupils, see School, children Receipts and disbursements 3
Purchase:"Fackson, p. 5 county school superintendent Q
Purchasers* bonds, see Bonds, see Reports, school f
purchasers! ——— Receipts from auditor for V
fines and forfeitures, 156 .
Quarterly Receiver, p. h5 {
court, pp. 9, 75-77 Records from inferior courts, 86, 87 {
judge, pp, 9, 76 Records, official, p. 15 k
records of, 195-205 Records withdrawn, 151, 152 {
suits appealed from, 106 Referendum, see Elections t
reports to state board of health, Refund, special road tax, see Tax, 5
261, 275 special road -5- °
Register y
Railroad commission, see Commission, communicable disease, 270
railroad `°— dentists, 5'{ ·i
Railroad, condemnation proceedings, marriage,}J4 ¥
185 medical, 57 r
Railroads, p. 6 motor operators*, lh9 L
Ray, John, p, 55 Register of E
Real prisoners, 21h Q
estate Registration and purgaticn E