- 165 - J
I B General Index (YO’Sm) 5
5 , 5
{ Road and bridge bonds School, children (Cont.) q
1 interest payments, see Interest Parsons, N, J., superintendent, 2h5 i
i (Cont.) ’ physical examinations, 256 {
payments, road and bridge bonds pre-school records, 257 1
Road engineer, county, ppp County reports m Q
road engineer auditor!s annual, 9, 258 {
Roads, see Highways semi-annual, 25M, 257 5
Sale bills, 29, 170, 171, 179, 180 sites Q
automobile, 19 condemnation proceedings, 135 {
Sale bends, 158 superintendent, 2h5-2h9, pp. 119-121 a
Sales, annual census, 229, 250 Q
estates, 170, 171 V monthly reports, 2h2 §
gasoline, report of, 58 ' records of, 2h5-2h9 §
13Hd teachers' é
master commissioner, 159, 156 applications, 2h5, 2h6 §
sheriff, 207 " rcsignations, 2h9 §
I‘OGO1”d Of`, 29, 170, 171, 179, 180 trugtggsl  
Sanitation inspection reports, 272- elections, 22h ‘
27h resignations, 22h §
Sanity, see Lunacy proceedings vouchers, Bardwell independent, ZJ4 g
School Semi-annual Q
attendance records, 2h7 statistical report on schools, 25M, {
Bardwell independent, paid von- 257 g
ehers, 2hh. Services rendered 3
board membership, petitions for, claims for §
221 circuit court, 107, 152 g
building county court, 62 g
construction, 255 fiscal court, 11 ;
repairs, 255 Settlements ;
buildings and equipment, 252 administrators, 167, 172-175 2
census, 229, 255 assignees, 175, 176 g
annual report, 229, 250 estates, 172-178 {
biennial, 252 executors, 175-175 i
pad, 251 guardians, 167, 177, 178
children jury service, lh7 Y
health records, 256 sheriff, 7 { ‘
pre-school age, 257 trustees, 175, 17o t
contracts, 25h, 255 Sheep M
deeds to property, 25M, claims paid, 209 t
districts, boundaries of, 255 Shelby, Isaac, p. 5 Q
enrollments, 2h7 Shelton, R. K., p. 5 Y
field visits, 256 Sheriff, pp. 11, 85-91
funds appointments by, 38 p
rooort of, 258 bonds M7 »
summary of receipts and miscellaneous reports, 102
disbursements, 2hl records of, 206-215 »
treasurer*s report, 2h0 reports of, pp. 29, 90, 102 p
health records, 256 tax collections, 102, 212 [
immunization records, 256 Sheriff¢s bond book, 50 ‘
insurance on buildings, 25h Sketch, historical, p. H I
notices from health officer, 270 Smith, Captain David, p. 5 E