xt7pzg6g3045 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g3045/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1964 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 3, Winter 1964 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 3, Winter 1964 1964 2014 true xt7pzg6g3045 section xt7pzg6g3045 Jfruntier 3Eur>:  
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The cover picture was photographed from the
side of the mountain. It shows the back of the l
cow barn on the left, the mule barn and the hos- ,
pital barn across Pig Alley. At the right, it shows I
a bit of the Garden House in the distance. l
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momuan Nonsmo ssavics QUARTERLY autumn {
Published at the end of each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Scrvipe, Inc., T
Lexington, Ky. ` Q
Subscription Price $1.00 a Year L .
Edi1:0r’s Ofliccz \Vend0ver, Kentucky =
  ' .
vonurm as winrmz, incl NUMBER 3   ’
"Entercd as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., i
under Act of March 3, 1879." i ,
Copyright, 1964, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. * I

Amicus xraoa PAGE
I A Christmas Letter The Hon. Frances P. Bolton 18
L%· Approaches (Verse) George MacDonald 2
Q Beyond the Mountains 47
Field Notes 52
` Marvin the Mare A Photograph Inside Back Cover
} Old Clothes and Old Times Betty Lester 35
  Old Courier News 21
  Old Staff News 37
§ Statistics Are Vital Frances E. Brown 19
  The Healing Arts Anna May January 33
i Yarb Lore in the Kentucky
{ Mountains (Illus.) 3
‘ A British Dairy Coarier—Jonr2zal 45
i A Perfect Citizen Contributed 55
  ° Harriet Hollister Spencer Memorial Museum Service 31
lg I Our Mail Bag 51
It Parson Gray Oliver Goldsmith 32
{ Postal Service The Conntrynmn 45
  P. P. P. & P. The Colonial Crier 55
    Preferred Me to You Contributed 34
  Wlhat is a Pedestrian ? _ Contributed 44
  Vvhite Elephant 46 .

 g FRoNT1ER NURSING smzvxcm
When lhou Jrurn`s’r away lrorn ill.  
Chrisl is ’rhis side ol Jrhy hill. R
When Thou lurnesl Jroward good,  
Chrisl is walking in lhy wood.
When lhy hearl says, "Falher, pardonl"  
Then lhe Lord is in lhy garden.  
When slern Duly wakes lo walch.  
Then His hand is on lhe lalch.  
Bur when Hope Jrhy song dolh rouse,  
Then The Lord is in lhe house.  
When lo love is all Jrhy wil,  
Chrisl dolh a+ lhy lable sil. g
When God`s will is lhy hear’r`s pole, il
Then is Chrisl lhy very soul. l
fGG01’g€ MacDonald, 1824-1905   y

{ "Her qualifications . . . were . . . some skill
  in yarbs, as she called her simples."
{ Kingsley, Westward H o.
{ In our Summer bulletin of 1941, we wrote as follows:
  "For years it has been our dream to gather together
I the traditions of the Kentucky mountains about the me-
s dicinal uses of wild herbs or yarbs. That we have now
, begun this fascinating bit of exploration is due to our
  good fortune in having a visit this spring from an Eng-
{ lish artist, Mrs. Noel Rawnsley, who was as interested in
{ drawing from nature the various plants as we were in
  collecting the legends. During the summer an American
{ artist, Miss Leila Kirtland who has lived for many years
{ in Japan, came to visit us and carried on with the sketch-
Z es. For the local names of the yarbs and their medicinal
{ uses we are indebted to our friend at Wendover, Mrs.
{ Belle Morgan, who used them in raising her own family
  just as she had been taught by her mother before her.
I Mrs. Morgan’s mother, Dorcas Wilson, was born in the
Kentucky mountains in 1838. She married Arch Cornett
and died in 1913 at the age of seventy-{ive. The medicinal
use of the yarbs is widespread among the Kentucky
qv mountaineers, and the source of our yarb tradition is un-
3 impeachable ....
{ "All of the yarbs in the collection are wild. It seems
{ useless to us to include such tame yarbs as horehound,
{ J which are indeed used medicinally in the Kentucky
{ mountains but which are found in every herbal. It
- { should be noted that not all of the yarbs are plants. We
{ 3 are including every wild growing thing that is used me-
dicinally whether tree, vine, shrub or plant. Our object
I- is to preserve from extinction the Kentucky mountain
  name and medicinal uses of the wild things."

4 FRoN·i·1ER Nunsmc smnvicm  
We published in the Summer 1941 issue of the Bulletin, eight
of Mrs. Rawnsley’s and Miss Kirtland’s drawings, made from i.
zinc etchings after they were reduced in size. i'
We intended to carry on with this series of yarbs but it was QI,
crowded out during the war years. In the Summer 1946 Bulletin, `
we did go back to the yarbs again. We printed the legends on F
eight additional yarbs with sketches by Mrs. Rawnsley and Miss [
In this issue of the Bulletin we have republished the sixteen Z
original sketches and legends and added to them the remaining
unprinted nine of the original collection. With them is included
a sketch of the Pleurisy Root by Vanda Summers, with Mrs.
Morgan’s description of its medicinal uses. For Solomon’s Seal j
the medicinal uses are given as told us by Mr. Andy Barger of
Brutus. p
We did not intend to let this work drop for a long span of
nearly eighteen years. But drop it we did because of many pres- I
sures from many other things. What has led us to take it up ?
again has been inquiries from various sources about the wild li
yarbs native to the Kentucky mountains. l
Editor ’l

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ik A Plant A Small Tree
4 Sketched in late April, 1941 Sketched in early May, 1941
Q Where Found: In any kind of soil, but only Where Found: Mostly in shade around lit-
in dense shade. tle streams.
J How Used: The leaves, fried with sheep How Used: The limbs broken up and
tallow, are used as a salve boiled for about twenty
for burns. minutes are used as a
"table tea", "sweetened in
i olden times with water
. from a Sugar tree". It was
given to children because
it was "so good for them".

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A Small Tree g V
LADY SLIPPER Sketched in early May, 1941 } ,
A Plant Where Found: In sun or shade almost any- { ;
Sketched in early May, 1941 WhB1“€· _ l z
How Used: 1. The leaves, beat up in tl
Where Found: On the tops of mountains Sweet milk, are used as l
in very poor ground. poultices for boils. They  
How Used: The whole root is steeped eee Put ee eeld- h d ,.
as tt tttt and tom tot 2· The eeeee eee Wee e p
about twenty minutes. The eed elle red leerk peeled t
drink is given to young eff   steeped fer e y
girls to regulate the men- tee Whleh le gwee, fer
strual flow, to expectant measles eee le thm
mothets to ttttttt up the at- rele eleed _ wleee ree t
dominal muscles, and also have lee tele]? eg bleee
to women after childbirth . and eeed el tl°’ll°· .
if they have me much heW_ The root of th1s Sassafras has a red bark
and the tree has both a bloom and a blue _
berry. There is another form of Sassafras .
with no bloom and no berry and with a =
white bark to the root. The white bark ‘ 
root is never used, but the pith of the ten-
der stems of the new growth of this other r
Sassafras is used as an eye medicine. _»

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[ g_ ` · A BUSh
lyk ; Sketched in late July, 1941
En-  _ {6/}**/ Where Found: Always in the forests,
her   never in the sun.
. How Used: The bark of the root is
Q skinned off and boiled
~ and made into cough
, syrup with honey.
 4 This bush gets its name because the
f Indians used the stems for making ar-
 i YOWS.

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A Plant Sketched in late April, 1941
ri sketched AP1‘i122»1941 Where Found: In all kinds of soil, wet or
Where Found: On very poor land, sunny _ dry, Sunny er Shady
*( . or shady, in dry or wet soil. How Used: To one root about one inch
Y _ . . long is added enough Indian
k H°“ US°d' Tgljndggotto 1; ggzger   Arrowwood to cover the
"’° Ehen has two uses. it "Wm Palm ¤f YM band ¤¤·=1f<>¤r
! A, H bunches or sprigs of winter-
stop blood anywhere. It 1 B H th, ,1
 = is also used to take the gregn eaves O ls um?
, Scurv Off Om, teeth it is strong, then put in
‘ y y ` enough whiskey or alcohol
Old }-  to keep it from spoiling.
not The mixture is a blood
Q.  tonic, taken internally, and
 ( it is also used "for hurting
iled  _ through breasts and around
for  V skirts."

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A Plant A v_
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, Sketched April 30, 1941 {
Sketched in late April, 1941
Where Found: In very dense shade, on · »
mountain tops, in dry soil. Where Found: In shady places, in wet or gi
How Used: The whole root is soaked in _ dry SOIL  i
wld Water, than S¤#¤i¤€d, How Used: V The whole root out up and ‘
and taken mtemally for 3 soaked in cold water makes 2;
‘ bad Swmach M as a t¤¤i¤- o blood tonic. You drink N
May be used externally for the Water Off it c01d_ r`
sore eyes. For a sore mouth ·
the root is chewed.  `

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‘ A vm sketched in July, 1941
Q sketched in Ju1y’ 1941 Where Found: Low down on the hills,
\Vhe1·e Found: In sun or shade, in wet or IUUSUY m PCO? SOIL
or if (HY $011- How Used: The whole root dried and
5 How Used: The whole yine is broken ggyd§;€g1CI;;ki?;ggc§ Egg;
d and the milk from it 1S
H _, . the only pepper people had.
, dripped on the feet, be- .
BS ‘* tween the toes for toe itch From othls black pepper a'
nk ;. ’ ‘ tea is made by pouring
  boiling water over the pow-
 , dered pepper, letting it
 — stand, straining it, and
 » drinking it cool, a swallow
 ‘ now and then. It is good
· to stop diarrhoea.
` n

12 FRONTIER Nuasme smnvxcm ___  l -
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Sketched July 28, 1941 A Plant ;`
VVhere Found: ln the fltregtsfin the shade, sketched _1u1y 28, 1941  
111 3Ily lll O S01. `
_H0w Used: The whole root is boiled in Wham Found: ;.;§&?;11€S0§g Ffeaggsésgtig I
water for twenty minutes, likes the Sun
and the water is then ' _
drained off. About half a How Used: Beat up the leaves with
tea cup full is drunk twice sweet milk until the mix- ;
a day to stop the pain and ture is "right green" and  .
regulate the flow in the apply externally for poison  
menstrual period of young ivy. Wash the bad places  f
girls. It 1S also drunk and then wrap them up. l
by expectant mothers to Never use internally be-  _
strengthen the muscles that cause Deadly Night Shade ‘
help in child birth. is a poison.  *

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I (milkweed, butterfly weed, every bit
l XVII of a dozen names)
mt A Piant
It . Where Found: In sun, in lowest part
° Sketched July 28, 1941 gf the land,
  } Where Found: In the forests. pmt Used; Root, steeped into a
md   Part Used: Root, boiled to a pulp. tea"
Son  A Uses: Mixed with lard and applied to Uses: For side pleurisy.
gis ~ any sores or boils (risens).
be-  ‘
ade  `

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A Plant _
U A Vine on the Ground Q
Sketched Apmi, 1941 sketched May 3, 1941  
Where Found:   ugqgggs; ggaigbgogg Where Found: In dense shade and rich soil.  
mountains, dry soil. Part; Used: Whole root, dried and pow-  ‘
A cx d.
Part Used: Root, steeped into a tea. em _ _ _  i
Uses: As a spice in cooking. Not ,
Uses: Given to babies for colic used for sickness. Hasn’t  ,
and to young girls for pain been used locally for years, 1
during the menstrual pe- just sold to the trade for  
riod. medicine. `

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I A Plant XXII
Y sketehed April so, 1941 GOOSE GRASS
_Oil   Where Found: Gr·ows anywhere. Skiglg? Ym;941
OW_   Part Used: Reet, boiled with other 8 C Q u y’
· herbs, only the least tiny Where Found: Around barnyards and gar-
 1 bit used as it is very poi- dens; is a little vine.
gf; E S°“°“S· Part Used: The whole vine, put OH th
irs,   Uses: FOI. tonic cold water andbrought to
for 1 boil. Boiled until strong as
 * can be, and cooled, strain
I and drink a tea-cup full
A about 3 times a day.
1 Uses: For flux.
i L

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Sketched July, 1941 A Plant i
Where Found: Anywhererin poorest ground Sketched July 28, 1941  1
, you can fmd’ Sun or shade' Where Found: Grows in any old place il Pa
Part Used: Whole root, put in cold prefers sun.
water, let stand two or _ _
three days, drink it Without Part Used: Leaf, mashed, wilted in _
straining, and keep adding front. of fire, and used as
water to it and drinking it. POu1UC€·  -
Uses: For kidneys, makes them Uses: For boils.
act. Good greens to eat. . Us

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. {_} >_“_~L.(·   \ { ·· NETTLES
\   P/pz? X     A Pianc
  V x E _   Sketched July, 1941
  ~s__.';;;’.;i-Q Where Found: In dense shade and along
  , M ·’q .; { `/ streams, all through the
1  /»/{@-2 éi   /~$’§> ‘“°“““’““S‘
9 iq "_..;.·  . .- ;`*~ w Parts Used: Root steeped into a strong
E       ix`! tea, and drunk by the tea-
io     MMm`- eupful several times a day.
ani?-`\__/;;.· -.,§g,:: JJ, "\ Uses: For spring nettles (hives,
,`   N   // // N whelps, knots).
~ el ‘/4/{5*
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XXVI y ‘\
‘ POKE / \ ,VltV ,, l
I A Big Plant   \ 1/  
3 Sketched July 28, 1941 X     J
[ h Where Found: Grows everywhere. You can  {;_   ' i V A l//'
, go to where there isn’t any · M   ‘V»//I lp/,0//{ ,,»/
, and build a brush pile and     : /
x burn it and it will come up x ~ \   K H , _  
 p in the spring. _ \ \     \ Q   \ // ./
. `A//'"_’ ` \~   ,’
me ( Part: Used: Berries: mix % pint berries J,./// \@ \ ,
with IA, pint whiskey and ’ cy \  
in make a mash and take as ,\ ·,§  
as - needed, internally, for rheu— °_  
_ matism. Root: roast it, L.§;;{?x}·\` "`
· split open, bind on for any .<:‘·f"
kind ·of pain—externally. IQ 6/ \
‘ Uses: Rheumatism. LLC’f‘#~».»_ 5

 is FRONTIER NURSING smnvicn l
My dear Junior Leaguers: \l
Isn’t it good that when the last days of an old year are upon
us we are reminded that new life is born? Christmas Day—with  
all its miracle of birth—a new day dawns even as the old one [
sinks into the long past. How is it with each of you Junior
Leaguers and daughters and granddaughters of Cleveland’s I
League? Are you ready to let the past go, taking with you only
the fundamental lessons it has taught you about love and hatred,
joy and sadness, ecstasy and despair? What have the lessons
been? Have you begun to accept disappointments, deprivations,
disciplines? Have you begun to see the measure of your happi-
ness is the cup of joy you have filled for others? If my many ~
years of living have taught me anything they have taught me this.
Life should be full of laughter even when the skies are dark.
For surely Life is a great River which is carrying us through
countless milleniums of ages out of Unconscious Perfection to V
Perfected Consciousness. There is no Beginning and no Ending,
only a great stream of continuing experience. There are often
terrifying rapids, but always beyond are the quiet pools in which I
are mirrored the wonders of all that lives and moves and has its
Being within the Essence of the Infinite. ‘
So in this time of confusion, of hate, of tragic misunder-
standing and consequent fear, I would remind you of the words, `
"Fear not, for I am with you," remembering also that Perfect
Love casteth out fear. l
One more request, one added question. What is America to ,
you ? Are you ready to serve her in this dangerous moment of her  
history? What part of yourself will you use in the coming year i
to demonstrate your love for her freedoms? Ask these things of
yourself when you take a few minutes of your busy days to "be
still and know that I am God." -  
And may He bless and keep you in the year ahead, granting ~
you ever increasing knowledge and wisdom, and the courage you
as Junior League women will need in the leadership for which `
you have the responsibility.
My warm regards to each and everyone of you. ‘
Faithfully yours, ,
——Reprinted from Topics, December 1963,
with its kind permission and with
Mrs. Bo1ton’s permission.

··. .  
\ Head of Record Department
i Statistics and records are vital to every organization and the
g Frontier Nursing Service is no exception. How else can we obtain
_ a picture of our service being accomplished in accordance with the
purpose for which this organization was begun?
When the word "statistics" is mentioned, many people close
their ears and minds to what is being said. Literally, they "tune
out" and refuse to listen to the revelation of fact.
May I presume that YOU are still reading this article and
‘ share with you a few of the results and impressions which have
interested me in my iirst year of tabulating records for the FNS?
Certainly almost everyone enjoys a baby. Last year the
nurse-midwives of the FNS delivered 412 of these precious bits
I of humanity. Of this number 214 were male and 198 were female,
a rather close race for sex numerical superiority. Our hospital
I in Hyden evidenced a desire to be completely neutral in this race,
however, as 304 live babies—152 boys and 152 girls——were de-
livered there. Such impartiality would not often occur, I should
· think.
Another interest is related to the names of the people in our
I area who are registered with us for care. At the close of the last
, fiscal year, we had 1900 families on our active records. 1371 of
1; these families had just 50 surnames. Following is a table show-
` ing the results of my survey:
J No. families Total no. No. different
 : bearing same name families names
“ 20 — 102 1059 28
. 10— 19 312 22
5 — 9 269 40
· 1 — 4 260 145
A 1900 235
V Thus, 55.7% of our registered families had 11.9% of the
family names in our active file. Perhaps you will be interested
, in the "Top Twelve":

20 Fnonrmn Nunsino smnvicn
Morgan 102 families Lewis 45 families
Hoskins 76 " Smith 45 "
Bowling 72 " Napier 41 " ·;
Sizemore 68 " Couch 38 " 1
Asher 53 " Howard 38 "
Roberts 48 " Woods 36 " A
When checking records of one center or another, it is not `
unusual to find that all families of the same surname are living
in the same district. Sometimes they are in adjoining districts V.
and occasionally scattered in more than two areas. Here they ‘ i
settled and here they live facing as best they can the problems I
which are theirs.
Lest any of you think that in-breeding has occurred, let me
hasten to say that this is not true. Occasionally distant cousins
may marry, as is commonly done elsewhere, but, otherwise,
marriages are between young people of different families, true
to the pattern of culture in our civilization.
Of interest to me, also, is the naming of the babies. In work-
ing with the records, I have found that in the early days many
of the children were given names from the Bible. We have Abijah, A
Benjamin, Caleb, Elisha, Elijah, Jonah, Joshua, Obed, Timothy,
Ruth, Naomi, Orpha and Rhoda. Then is seen the apparent seep- _
ing in of such outside influences as movies, radio and television.
There are favorites among our people, as elsewhere, as is reflected
in naming children Shirley Temple, Harold Lloyd, Robert Young,
Robert Taylor, Franklin, Delano, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight
David, Jimmy Dean, Tammy, Elvis and most recently Maverick. p
Although I have made no special study of the following, my I
impression is that Debbie is now a very favorite name for little .
girls and I am convinced that Wayne is the most often chosen ‘-i
name for a boy in the family. Sometimes it is Johnny Wayne {
but often the Wayne is coupled with Gary, Douglas, David and
many others. A large proportion of our families have a Wayne _
among them. .
You see there are many facets to record keeping and it  I
need not be dull and dry. Each figure represents an individual or -
some service performed for an individual or family. When i
approached in this light, our statistics become vital indeed for
they are a record of people and people are the finest, greatest
and most interesting creation in all the world.

j Edited by
Eli From Mrs. Harry Carpenter (Barbara Hood),
Cambridge, Massachusetts-November 20, 1963
This summer, I found that my FNS experience came in very
- if handy. My husband is studying to be a doctor and he was most
I fortunate to win a Smith, Kline and French Fellowship to study
tropical medicine on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines.
I quickly learned some lab techniques so I could join the medical
team up in the mountains.
In order to reach the clinic, we traveled for a day on horse-
back, crossing a stream 48 times! The saddles were made of
wood and the reins were rope. (Luckily we each had a soft
pillow to sit on!) The people, belonging to a tribe called the
. Bilaans, were most friendly. In payment for medical services
they brought us many treasured delicacies such as wild dove
and a slice of monkey meat.
l Half an hour’s journey from our medical clinic, we learned
that some of the people are still cannibals. Needless to say, we
didn’t wander very far from the clinic.
It was obvious that we were strangers. In fact, we were
, the second and third non-Filipinos to go to this particular com-
‘ munity called Kenam in the province of Cotobato at the southern
  tip of the Philippines. Very few people had ever seen a white
  person before and never anyone over six feet tall.
The Bilaans have a rich culture which is fast disappearing.
We were intrigued by the enchanting folktales and the unusual
` musical instruments. One of the most highly prized instruments
I (the value is equal to one horse) is an agon (very similar to a
. circular dinner gong). The Bilaans use their agons like the
Africans use their drums to signal from one mountain side to
l another. Although there are no telephones or short wave radios
in Kenam, everyone knew that we were coming, through their
agon code.

22 Fnonrmn NURSING smavicm p _, I
l . From Betsy Palmer, New York City, New York ]
——-November 27, 1963 I
It’s exactly a year ago now that I first went down to be  
with you all in Kentucky. It’s all as clear to me as if it were  
yesterday. I did have such a good time and often long to be
back with you. When I think of how I loved it and of how the 7
mountain ways seemed suited to my tastes, I wonder what on ’
earth I’m doing up here. However, New York has its facina- j
tions too.
Ever since I’ve been back in New York I’ve been busy. When
I abandoned my plan to go to graduate school in favor of g
returning here to New York, I rented a little one-room efficiency
apartment that came available in the block where I work. It’s
unfurnished, however, and never having kept house before, it
has been a formidable undertaking just to make it presentable .
and livable. The one thing that I have, and for which I’ve been
very grateful, is Kentucky quilts. They keep me both warm
and gay! With time, the trimmings will come.
Brother Henry and I had a delightful pack trip through the
Cascades in September. I enjoyed seeing that part of the coun- l
try. The tall, deep timber is magnificent and although, for a .
wilderness pack trip, it didn’t seem very wild or rough, the
people were delightful, the weather fine and so on.
Back at work binding books, I’m liking it as much as ever. j
We have a number of interesting projects under way and I feel `
I’m still learning a great deal. j
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I’ll be thinking J
of you; and with Christmas coming soon too, I’ll be praying i`
that you receive 10,000 dolls and red trucks.  
From Mrs. Samuel Newson (Sylvia Bowditch), , I
Mill Valley, California—Christmas, 1963
Our trip to Japan last spring was such a great success that r
Sam has been asked to take another group in May. It was my  j
first visit in the spring and oh how lovely that country is then.  r
If I can arrange it, I’m hoping to go again too. * 
The children and I had a grand week’s camping trip in the `
High Sierra with Ruth Chase and a friend this summer when -
Ruth was here on a visit. `

We are looking forward to mother’s visit for Christmas.
She is flying out and will celebrate her eighty-ninth birthday
J with us just after the New Year. The children flourish. Our
I oldest will soon be twelve and the boy is eight and a half—both
( lots of fun.
7 ....
; From Felicia (Flicka) Delaiield, New York, New York
1 —Christmas, 1963
I had a marvelous trip to Africa this summer. First I visited
i my sister in Liberia, and then I went to Kenya, Tanganyika, and
I Somalia with U. N. friends. I am working at Spence-Chapin,
which I thoroughly enjoy.
‘ From Ellen Ordway, Lawrence, Kansas——Christmas, 1963
‘ There is little in the way of news or excitement to report
from Lawrence, Kansas, this year (no junkets, side trips or
‘ excursions to Mexico or other colorful spots). But by true
grindstone procedures, significant progress has been made on
the Ph.D. thesis and I have high hopes that it will be completed
during the coming year. My only concrete sign of progress at
the moment, however, is three manuscripts in press (two of
them co-authored, the third, a small chunk of the thesis). The