xt7q2b8vbf5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q2b8vbf5k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19740910 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-09-dec10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-09-dec10. 1974 2011 true xt7q2b8vbf5k section xt7q2b8vbf5k 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, December 10, 1974.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session at 2:00 p. m. (EST) on Tuesday, December 10, 1974 in
the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
University campus. The following members answered the call of the roll:
Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Honer W. Ramsey, Mr. William R. Black,
Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mr. Richard E. Cooper,
Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Thormas B. Kessinger,
Professor Michael Adelstein, Mr. Zirl Palmer, Professor Paul G. Sears,
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. James A. Sutherland, Mr. David Mucci
and Dr. John R. Woodyard. Absent members were Mrs. Robert 0. Clark,
Mr. Albert G. Clay, and Mr. John R. Crockett. The University Adminis-
tration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall,
Lawrence E. Forgy and Raymond R. Hornback; Dr. Donald B. Clapp,
Executive Assistant to the President; and Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel.
Representatives of the various news media also attended the meeting.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Sturgill, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, called the meeting
to order at 2:02 p.m. Following the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Sutherland,
the Secretary called the roll. A quorum being present, the Chairman
declared the meeting opened for the official conduct of business at 2:06 o'clock.

       B. Approval of the Minutes

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the reading of the
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of November 12, 1974 was
dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Resolutions Adopted

       At the request of the Chairman, Mr. William R. Black read two
Resolutions of Appreciation for the services rendered to the Board of
Trustees and the University by Mr. Garvice D. Kincaid and Professor
Paul Oberst during their terms of office on the Board. Copies of the
Resolutions appear at the end of the Minutes.

       Following the reading of the Resolutions, on motion by Mr. Black,
seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey, the Resolutions were adopted, ordered
spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and copies sent to Mr. Kincaid
and Professor Oberst. (See Resolutions at the end of the Minutes. )



       D. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Singletary reviewed the items contained in his monthly
report to the Trustees, taking particular note of the resignation of Dr.
Alvin L. Morris who has accepted a position as Executive Director and
Secretary-Treasurer of the Association for Academic Health Centers in
Washington, D. C.

       Upon the recommendation of the President, the Chairman accepted
the report as presented and ordered it filed.

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Noting that the items in PR 2, Recommendations of the President,
were routine in nature and had been distributed to members of the Board
prior to the meeting, President Singletary, recommended approval of PR 2
as a whole.

       On motion by Professor Sears, seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey,
PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the
Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       F. Appointment of Athletics Director (PR 3A)

       President Singletary said that PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations
of the President, was made up of three parts and was concerned with certain
personnel changes which had been processed too late to send out in advance
of the meeting.

       The first section, PR 3A, recommended the appointment of Mr.
Cliff Hagan as Athletics Director at the University of Kentucky, effective
July 1, 1975. President Singletary reminded the members of the Board
that Mr. Harry C. Lancaster, present Athletics Director, had requested
that his successor be named at least one year prior to the effective date
of his retirement from the University, which date would be July 1, 1976.
Acting on this request, President Singletary appointed a Search Committee
to screen candidates for the Athletics Director's replacement and it was
the unanimous recommendation of this committee that Mr. Hagan, now
Assistant Athletics Director, be named Athletics Director effective July 1,
1975. The recommendation was made known to the Athletics Association
Board of Directors at a meeting on the morning of December 10, 1974 and
that Board adopted a resolution endorsing Mr. Hagan for the position.
President Singletary said he concurred wholeheartedly in the recommendation
of the Search Committee and the endorsement of it by the Athletics
Association Board of Directors and recommended approval by the Board
of Trustees of Mr. Hagan's appointment as Athletics Director.



       Mr. Frank Ramsey spoke of his long association with Mr. Hagan
whom he believed would be superb in the job and moved that Mr. Hagan
be named Athletics Director at the University of Kentucky effective July 1,
1975. His motion was seconded by Dr. Woodyard and passed with all
present voting aye.

       Mr. Hagan, being present at the meeting at the request of Dr. Singletary,
was introduced and welcomed as the forthcoming new Director. Mr. Lancaster,
also being present, was recognized and thanked for his loyal and devoted
service to the University. Particular notice was taken of the unselfishness
of his act in stepping down prior to his retirement so that the new Director
during his first year in office might have the benefit of Mr. Lancaster's
experience. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

       G. Leave of Absence for Dean of Students (PR 3B)

       President Singletary said the next part of PR 3 was a recommendation
that Dean of Students Jack B. Hall be granted a year's leave of absence in
order to accept an assignment with state government in Frankfort.

       After explaining that it was in keeping with the University's policy
to provide service to state government upon request, President Singletary
recommended approval of the leave of absence requested by Dean Hall for
the period of one year effective on or about January 3, 1975. Mrs. Blazer
so moved. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Mucci and the ayes carried.

       President Singletary recognized Dean Hall. Both President Singletary
and Dr. Zumwinkle commented on the excellent manner in which Dean Hall
has carried out his duties as Dean of Students and expressed the hope that
his absence from the campus would be a short one. (See PR 3B at the end
of the Minutes. )

       H. Appointment of Acting Dean of Students (PR 3C)

       President Singletary said the third and final part of PR 3 was
concerned with a replacement for Dean Hall during his leave of absence.
He continued that the University was most fortunate to have on the staff,
in the person of Joseph T. Burch, a man eminently well qualified to take
over Dean Hall's responsibilities. He then recommended that the Board
of Trustees approve the appointment of Mr. Burch as acting Dean of Students,
effective on or about January 3, 1975.

       The Chairman called for a motion approving the recommendation
that Mr. Joseph T. Burch be named acting Dean of Students on or about
January 3, 1975 for the period of one year. The motion was made by
Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Professor Adelstein and passed without
dissent. (See PR 3C at the end of the Minutes. )


I. Candidates for Degrees (PR 4)

       Mentioning that the individuals whose names were presented as
degree candidates were December graduates, President Singletary
requested approval of the recommendation in PR 4 that he be authorized
to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the list presented
to the Board, the degree to which he is entitled upon certification of the
Dean of Admissions and Registrar and approval by the University Senate
that the individual has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the
degree for which he has made application.

       There being no discussion, on motion by Mr. Mucci, seconded by
Mr. Griffin, the recommendation in PR 4 was approved. (See PR 4 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Associate Degree Program in Nursing at the Ashland
          Community College (PR 5)

       Noting that all new academic programs must be approved by the
Council on Public Higher Education, President Singletary recommended
approval of an Associate Degree Program in Nursing at the Ashland
Community College under the conditions set forth as a part of PR 5 for
transmission to the Council.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded
by Mr. Homer Ramsey, the recommendation in PR 5 was approved and
the appropriate University officials were authorized to submit the proposed
new program to the Council on Public Higher Education. (See PR 5 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       K. Provisions for Supplemental Compensation under the Physicians'
           Services Plan (PR 6)

       President Singletary mentioned that the changes recommended in
the Provisions for Supplemental Compensation under the Physicians'
Services Plan as set forth in PR 6 had been in the hands of the members
for approximately ten days. He added that Dr. Bost was present to answer
any questions and recommended approval of PR 6.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Sutherland, seconded
by Mr. Mucci, PR 6 was approved as presented. (See PR 6 at the end of
the Minutes. )



       L. 1974-75 Budget Revisions (PR 7)

       The President indicated that Mr. Carter, Budget Director, was
present and would be pleased to answer any questions relative to the
revisions of the 1974-75 Budget as proposed in PR 7.

       Noting that the members had had an opportunity to see the proposed
changes in advance of the meeting and determining that there were no
questions, the Chairman called for a motion to authorize and approve the
proposed Budget Revisions as presented in PR 7. Mr. Palmer so moved.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Kessinger and passed without dissent.
(See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. )

       M. Proposal for the Initiation of a Capital Construction Project (PR 8)

       President Singletary explained that because the heating system in
Carson Hall at Paducah Community College was antiquated and the cooling
was provided by window air conditioning units which overload the electrical
system, it was deemed desirable to install a new air conditioning, heating,
and fire alarm system there. Since the total cost of the project will exceed
$100,000, approval from the Council on Public Higher Education is required
and approval by the Board of Trustees is necessary before the project can
be submitted to the Council. President Singletary recommended such
approval be given.

       The Chairman called for a motion to approve PR 8. Mr. Black so
moved. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and without dissent, it
was approved and so ordered. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Approval of Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 9A
           & 9B)

       At the request of President Singletary, Professor Sears explained
that the proposed amendments in PR 9A & 9B had been presented to the
Board in September and, under the Governing Regulations, must lie on the
table for a minimum of thirty days. This time having elapsed, Professor
Sears moved that the proposed amendments in PR 9A & PR 9B be removed
from the table and adopted with the striking of the word "prospective" from
the first change in PR 9A. The motion was seconded by Professor Adelstein
and passed without dissent. (See PR 9A and 9B at the end of the Minutes.)

       0. Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 10)

       Professor Sears, who as assistant secretary of the Board of Trustees
had substituted for Mrs. Blazer in the tabulation of the results of the Alumni



election, presented his report (a copy of which appears at the end of the
Minutes) which certified that the election had been held as prescribed by
statute and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of
Trustees and moved that the report be received and put to record and that
he be authorized to certify to the Governor the names of the three persons
receiving the largest number of votes from which list a successor to Mrs.
Clark would be appointed. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer and
passed. (See PR 10 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Recommendations to Implement Recommendations Formulated
           by Committee to Evaluate Co-educational Housing and Visitation
           (TR 1)

       The Chairman asked Mr. David Mucci to present his recommendation
which appeared on the Agenda as TR 1 and a copy of which had been mailed to
the members prior to the meeting.

       Mr. Mucci said that a committee appointed by Dr. Zumwinkle had
made an in-depth study of the co-educational hall and visitation policies at
the University over an eight month period and, as a result of their study,
had presented their report to Dr. Zumwinkle with nine recommendations.
Dr. Zumwinkle had approved six without change and a seventh with certain
alterations for implementation. Two he did not approve. The two recommen-
dations which were not approved and the change in the third recommendation
were significant policies and were ones which the students very much wanted
implemented. Basically these three recommendations would provide
unrestricted sophomore option for co-educational housing, 6 p. m. to
midnight week-day visitation in the co-educational hall, and a thirty hour
week-end visitation policy for freshmen.

       Mr. Mucci concluded his remarks with a motion that the Board of
Trustees approve the recommendation in TR 1 to fully implement the nine
recommendations formulated by the committee to evaluate co-educational
housing and visitation. Dr. Adelstein seconded his motion and expressed
his interest in and sympathy for the students' wishes in the matter. In the
discussion which followed, Dr. Zumwinkle explained his reasons for not
implementing the three recommendations in question. Mr. Black commented
that the Administration had done well in carrying out this experimental
program so far and that he felt they should continue to do so without inter-
ference from the Board of Trustees.

       There being no further comment, the Chairman called for the vote
on Mr. Mucci's motion and it was defeated with only two votes cast in favor.
(See TR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )



       Q. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. George W. Griffin, acting in the absence of the Chairman of
the Finance Committee, moved that the Interim Financial Report for the
period ending October 31, 1974 be accepted. His motion was seconded by
Professor Sears and, without dissent, it was approved and so ordered.
(See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       R. Acceptance of Estate Distribution (FCR 2)

       Explaining that the Finance Committee had examined the proposed
distribution of securities as proposed by the Republic National Bank of
Dallas, Texas, acting under the will of Wilhelmina P. Robertson:I, and
approved the schedule proposed as the University's share, Mr. Griffin
moved that the resolution of acceptance as set forth in FCR 2 be adopted.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed. (See FCR 2
at the end of the Minutes. )

       S. Approval of Settlement Agreement (FCR 3)

       At the request of Mr. Griffin, Mr. Forgy gave a brief review of
the various steps taken by the University to recover its losses in connection
with the Penn Central commercial papers purchased by it from Goldman,
Sachs & Company just prior to Penn Central filing a petition for reorgani-
zation proceedings. As Treasurer of the University. Mr. Forgy said he
felt that the settlement agreement presented for the Board's consideration
in FCR 3 is the best possible settlement that can be worked out and the
most advantageous to the University both money and time wise. He, therefore,
recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the recommendation
made in FCR 3.

       After commendatory comments from various members, including
one by Mr. Griffin that this would be the most favorable settlement Goldman,
Sachs & Company has approved to date, Mr. Griffin moved that the settlement
agreement in FCR 3 be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Goss.
Without further discussion the vote was called for and the ayes carried.
There were no dissenting votes. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T. Report on Appalachian Education Satellite Program

       Dr. Cochran, at President Singletary's request, introduced Mr. David
L. Larimore, Project Director of the Appalachian Education Satellite Program,
who gave an interesting and informative report to the Board Members and
ended his remarks with the showing of a film about the Appalachian Education
Satellite Program.


- 8-

       Mr. Sturgill thanked Mr. Larimore for his presentation and
commended the University and its faculty for their enterprise in obtaining
this program and in carrying it out so successfully.

       U. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come
before the meeting, Mr. Sturgill called for a motion for adjournment. The
motion being duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at
3:30 p. m.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      Lucile P. Blazer, Secretary
                                      Board of Trustees

(Kincaid and Oberst Resolutions, PRs 2, 3A 3B, 3C, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9A, 9B, and
10; TR 1; FCRs 1,2, and 3 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of
the meeting.)



The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with regret
the expiration on June 30, 1974 of the term of

                      MR. GARVICE D. KINCAID

as a member of the Board and wishes to recognize the contributions
which he made during his tenure.

By act of the 1972 General Assembly, the membership of the Board of
Trustees was reconstituted. The three ex officio state officials were
removed from the Board and four appointive members were named in
their places. This change in the membership of the Board became
effective July 1, 1972 and Governor Wendell H. Ford named the four
new members for staggered terms. Mr. Kincaid was named for a two-
year term which expired on June 30, 1974.

Mr. Kincaid received his A. B. degree from the University of Kentucky
in 1934 and his LL. B. degree from this institution in 1937. A senior
partner in the law firm of Kincaid, Wilson, Schaeffer, Trimble & Hembree,
Mr. Kincaid's interest are many and varied. He is recognized throughout
the country as a leader in the world of banking and insurance. He holds
several honorary degrees and the list of the awards he has received is
both long and impressive.

The University of Kentucky counts itself fortunate to have had Mr. Kincaid
as a member on its Board of Trustees. As a member of the Finance
Committee, the Investment Conmmittee, and the Executive Committee his
sage advice and wise counsel benefitted the institution in many ways. Now,
therefore, be it

RESOLVED that this Board of Trustees go on record as recognizing the
valuable contributions which Mr. Kincaid has made to the University of
Kentucky, both as an alumnus and as a member of its governing body.
And be it further

RESOLVED that this resolution of appreciation and thanks for his services
be adopted, spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and a copy sent to
Mr. Kincaid.



The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky wishes to express
its thanks and appreciation to

                      PROFESSOR PAUL OBERST

for his service as a faculty representative on the Board from July 1, 1971
through June 30, 1974.

Professor Oberst has served two previous terms on the Board, being first
elected as faculty representative for a term beginning July 1, 1963 and end-
ing June 30, 1966 and reelected for a second term beginning July 1, 1966
and ending June 30, 1969. The fact that he was elected for a third term is
indicative of the esteem in which he is held by his colleagues and those with
whom he has served on the Board share their high regard for him.

Professor Oberst received his AB degree from Evansville College, his LL. B.
degree from the University of Kentucky, and his LL. M. degree from the Uni-
versity of Michigan. He has been very involved in University, community and
state affairs throughout his career and is considered one of the outstanding
members of the faculty of the College of Law.

Professor Oberst's legal training and his judicious approach made him a
particularly valuable member of the Board's Hearing Committee. Able to
see both sides of a question, Professor Oberst's judgments were always
sound and his fellow members valued his opinions and sought his counsel and
advice on many matters, particularly those relating to the faculty and the
student body. Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees, recognizing its indebtedness to
Professor Oberst for the meaningful manner in which he carried out his
responsibilities as a faculty representative, express its thanks to him for
the unselfish service which he rendered during his tenure on the Board. And
be it further

RESOLVED that his resolution be adopted, spread upon the Minutes of the
meeting, and a copy sent to Professor Oberst.


Missing report(s)


                                                   Office of the President
                                                   December 10, 1974

                                                   PR 2

Members, Board of Trustees:


I.   Naming of Building

      Recommendation: that the old Dairy Center located south of Cooper
      Drive be named the E. S. Good Barn.

      Background: This building has been modified to include offices for
      some Extension personnel and a meeting place for groups visiting
      the campus. The College of Agriculture and the University Committee
      on Naming University Buildings have recommended that this building
      be named the E. S. Good Barn in memory of Professor E. S. Good,
      who was appointed Head of the Animal Husbandry Department in 1906
      and had his responsibilities expanded to include the Animal Industries
      in 1919. Following his retirement as chairman he continued as a
      professor for 16 more years remaining active in the classroom until
      his death in 1958 at the age of 86. In addition to his long administrative
      service, Professor Good conducted distinguished research with beef
      cattle, horses, and swine. He was honored many years ago by having
      his portrait hung in the Saddle and Sirloin Club in Chicago. Only one
      other Kentuckian has ever been so honored.

II.   Social Welfare Research Institute Discontinued

      Recommendation: that the Social Welfare Research Institute be
      discontinued as an academic unit effective immediately.

      Background: This Institute was established by the Trustees' action
      on December 9, 1969 to serve as an intercollege research institute
      for regular investigations and public service in the areas of social
      welfare and was very largely funded by federal grant. The work
      envisioned has been completed and the federal grant has been dis-



      continued. This action has been recommended by an ad hoc committee,
      by the Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator of Research, and
      by the University Senate.

III.  Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

      Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
      and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
      report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
      by the administration be accepted.

      Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
      staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
      with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
      recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
      president through the President and have his concurrence.

      Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
      appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
      or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
      the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring
      Board approval.

                             BOARD ACTION

 New Appointments

 Silvio Baez, Visiting Professor, Department of Pharmacology, College of
   Medicine, retroactive November 15, 1974.
 Charles Coffey, Instructor (Adjunct), and Medical Physicist (University Hospital),
   Department of Radiation Medicine, College of Medicine, effective January 1,
 George B. Coltharp, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Forestry,
   College of Agriculture, retroactive December 1, 1974.
 Mrs. Davis L. Gardner, Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health Educa-
   tion and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, and Coordinator
   Continuing Education Center for Learning Resources for Allied Health,
   effective January 1, 1975.
 Roger Allan Laine, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, College
   of Medicine, effective January 1, 1975.

*Special Title Series



Robert G. Loy, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Veterinary
  Science, College of Agriculture, retroactive November 1, 1974.
Kurt Marti, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
   of Arts & Sciences, effective January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1975.
Robert G. Templin, Jr. Assistant Professor in the Community College System
  and Associate Director, Community College System, Somerset Community
  College, retroactive December 1, 1974.
Leopoldo Torres, Instructor, Department of Radiation Medicine, College of
   Medicine, effective January 1, 1975.

Non-Academic Appointments

Carol A. Fuller, Labor Education Specialist in Center for Labor Education and
   Research, Office of Business Development and Government Services, College
   of Business & Economics, retroactive November 1, 1974.
J. Richard Toleikis, Senior Research Associate, Department of Physiology &
   Biophysics, College of Medicine, retroactive December 1, 1974.
Betty J. Wilson, Consultant in the Area Learning Resource Center, Department
  of Special Education, College of Education, retroactive September 1, 1974.


Ballard D. Wright, Associate Professor (Part-time), Department of Anesthesiology,
   College of Medicine, to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of
   Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, retroactive December 1, 1974.

Joint Appointments

Myron G. Sandifer, Jr., Professor, (with tenure), Department of Psychiatry
  and Department of Family Practice, College of Medicine, retroactive
  October 1, 1974.

Appointments with Waiver of Nepotism

Virginia Rogers Atwood, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of
  Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, (husband is Ronald Atwood,
  Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of


Louise Caudill, Associate Professor, (Part-time), Department of Family
  Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/74 to 6/30/75.



William McElwain, Associate Professor, (Adjunct), Department of Community
   Medicine, College of Medicine, (7/1/74 to 6/30/75).
Leonidas Mostowycz, Associate Professor, (Adjunct), Department of Diagnostic
   Radiology, College of Medicine, (7/1/74 to 6/30/75).
Benjamin F. Roach, Clinical Professor, (Part-time), Department of Family
   Practice, College of Medicine, (7/1/74 to 6/30/75).
Philip G. Weiler, Associate Clinical Professor, (Part-time), Department of
   Community Medicine, College of Medicine, (7/1/74 to 6/30/75).


Emaline Berbling, Custodian Supervisor, Department of Auxiliary Services,
   after 11 consecutive years of service, retroactive December 1, 1974.
Milton D. Bloodsaw, Head Custodian, Department of Auxiliary Services, after
   15 consecutive years of service, retroactive December 1, 1974.
Sallie B. House, Cook-Baker II, Department of Auxiliary Services, after
   20 1/2 consecutive years of service, effective February 24, 1975.
William H. Planck, Night Watchman, Department of Security, after 14 1/2
   consecutive years of service, retroactive December 1, 1974.
Ida Lee Wheeler, Senior Secretary, Department of Sociology, after 12
   consecutive years of service, retroactive December 1, 1974.
Alonzo White, Custodian, Department of Auxiliary Services, after 14
   consecutive years of service, retroactive December 1, 1974.

Post-Retirement Appointments

Edward E. Elsey, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Mechanical Engineering,
   College of Engineering, 9/1/74 to 10/31/74.
Richard B. Freeman, Professor, special assignment to the U.K. Art Gallery
  for the developing of Graphics'75, College of Arts & Sciences, 1/1/75 to
Stella E. Helton, Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Science, College of
  Home Economics, 9/1/74 to 12/31/74.

                       ADMINISTRATION ACTION

New Appointments - Lexington Campus

Lyle D. Aten, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Horticulture, College of
  Agriculture, 9/1/74 to 5/31/75.
Pam Avery, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 11/1/74 to



Sister Mary Luann Bender, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of
   Allied Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
   11/1/74 to 6/30/75.
Sister Robert Ann Cash, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of
   Allied Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
   11/1/74 to 6/30/75.
Joseph Clark, Instructor, Part-time, Department of Horticulture, College of
   Agriculture, 9/1/74 to 5/31/75.
E. Keith Coltharp, Assistant Professor, (Part-time), Department of Orthodontics,
   College of Dentistry, 1/1/75 to 6/30/75.
Clyde Craft, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
   Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 11/1/74 to
   6/30/7 5.
Elaine Dillhunt, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
   Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 11/1/74 to
Virginia Durrett, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
   Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 11/1/74 to
   6/30/7 5.
Sister Anne Marie Falloon, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of
  Allied Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
  11/1/74 to 6/30/75.
Ruth L. Fitzpatrick, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Curriculum &
   Instruction, College of Education, 11/1/74 to 5/31/75.
Charlotte Gabbard, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied
   Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
   11/1/74 to 6/30/75.
Robert I. Goodman, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Restorative
   Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/74 to 6/30/75.
Kenneth Jones, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
   Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 11/1/74 to
   6 / 30/75.
Lowell W. Jones, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
   Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 11/1/74 to
Sister Eileen Judge, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied
  Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 1.1/1/74
  to 6/30/75.
Ruby Kelley, Clinical Instructor,