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EASTERN KENTUCKY AUTOMOBILE CLUB (American Automobile Association), p
209 Seventeenth Street, Ashland. Founded 1932. President, James T. Q
Norris, c/o Daily Independent, Ashland, Telephone 2440. Secretary, p
N. W. Dendy, 209 Seventeenth Street, Ashland, Telephone 687. Terms E
indefinite. · _ %
Membership; l600. Qualifications, a reputable citizen. §
Committees: None, · §
Purpose; Good reads, safety and traffic law inforcement.; E
A Normal Civic Activities; Furnish safety posters for schools, é
cooperating with School Boy Patrol and working for improvement i
of roads and highways. ‘ V;
Defense;Activities; Interested in Motor Corp Service, Public Speaking. g
Local Publications; “Weekly column "Auto Notes", published in Ashland g
Daily Independent. §
FEDERATED CHARITIES OF BOYD COUNTY (Family`Welfare Association of g
America; Louisville Community Chest), Eighteenth Street and Greenup §
Avenue, Ashland. Founded 1925. President, Rev. T. M. Cooper, Eleventh g
Street and Bath Avenue, Ashland, Telephone 2071. .Secretary, Anna M. §
A Russell, Eighteenth Street and Greenup Avenue, Ashland, Telephone §
1958. Terre indefinite. ;§
ypmbershipg l4. Qualifications, interest in public welfare. @
‘ ` i@
Committees: Child Welfare, Mrs.`William Carp; W.P.A.; Mrs. Chas.i . QE
Gortroll; Sewing Room, Mrs. Guy Treadway; Community Chest, Rev. T. =@
Cooper; City Government, Rev.‘Garis Long; County Government, Charles §
Russell; Finance, Edgol Ibere, all of Ashland._ · E
Purpose: To foster wholesome family life and meet community needs. gg
A Normal Civic Actiyities; Furnishing food, fuel and clothing to 4 ‘ ii
· needy families and solving family problems. T fg
T Dpfonse Activities; Engaged_in Family Social Service in Industrial ig
Q Areas, Child Care. Training*fpr Motor Corps Service, Ambulance Service, i§
t Hospital and Clinical Assistance, First Aid, Preparation and Serving Q?
{ of Food. Interested_in Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Sewing and ,§
, Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Rod Cross Assistance, Operation of QQ
· Canteons, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Entertainment, ;§
2 Recreation, Library Service, Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders, i§
1 Public Speaking, Teaching Literacy Classes for Aliens and Others. §§
` Local Publiiations; None. ig
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