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A American Red Cross (Continued) §
Normal Civic Activities: First aid classes, production of war relief §
clothing, home nursing and advice on nutrition. V i
Defense Activities; Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid_Warden lg
Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Motor Corps Service, Ambulance g
Service, Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and Preparation up
of Surgical Dressings, Preparation and Serving of Food, Operation of g
Canteens, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care, ig
Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Typing and Other Clerical é
Assistance, Interviewing, Consumer Protection Activities. Q
Local Publications: None. 3
Congresses of Parents and Teachers), 1509 Montgomery Avenue, Ashland. fg
Founded 1927. President, Mrs. Orel Fraley, 1509 Montgomery Avenue,‘ 2Q
Ashland, Telephone 1497. Secretary, Mrs. O. B. Lhxwcll, Bellefonte, g
Telephone 1942. Terms expired March, 1942. é
Membepship; 5,000. Qualifications, any one interested in child. ng
welfare. _ · _ E _ Q
r · Committees: Safety, Mrs. Earl Stafford; Publicity, Mrs. John Shaw; 1 `Y
° Founder's Day, Mrs. O. B. Stafford; Home Room Advisor, Mrs. C. P. _ Q
Sinnett, all of Ashland. pt ,. li
Purpose; To assist in the welfare of children and youths in the_ _ Q
A home, school and community. I. E
Normal Civic Activities; Furnishing free school lunches and clothing 2%
for children. Sponsoring dental and health clinics and promoting good g
citizenship. '_ ‘ l ` V U A _ Lg
i Defense Activities; Engaged_in Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Operation j@
of Canteens, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care, Radio Q
l Operation and Repair, Entertainment, Recreation, Library Service, Collect- me
ing Books, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Teaching Literacy Classes ij
for Aliens and Others, Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens and `A
( ’ Others. Training for Teaching Spanish and Portuguese, Interviewing. YH
f Interested in Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Air Raid Warden li
L Service, Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, _ T
i Local Publications; None. ' Ei
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