There being no questions, on motion by Mrs. Clark, seconded by Mr.
Burlew and passed, approval was given to the new degree programs - Master
of Public Administration and Master of Planning. (See PR 5 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       H. Approval of Amendment to Governing Regulations (PR 6)

       A proposed amendment to the wording of the third paragraph in Part IV
of the Governing Regulations was received and tabled at the September 18
meeting of the Board. President Singletary recommended that this proposed
amendment, a copy of which was a part of PR 6, be removed from the table
and approved.

       On motion by Professor Sears, seconded by Mrs. Blazer and passed,
paragraph three of Part IV of the Governing Regulations was amended as pro-
posed in PR 6. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I.  Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations Received (PR 7)

       Dr. Singletary explained that the amendment to Part VII of the Governing
Regulations as proposed would designate the Honors Program as an educational
unit equivalent to a department and responsible to the Dean of Undergraduate
Studies. Further the amendment would designate the chief administrative officer
of the Honors Program as a director equivalent to a department chairman and the
Dean of Undergraduate Studies would be given the same authority and responsi-
bilities as those of a dean of a college in the administration of educational units
that might be transferred or developed under his office.

       Mr. Flegle commended this move on behalf of the student body and
Professor Sears expressed the opinion that the faculty would be pleased with the
proposed change.

       Mr. Clay, having first determined that there were no questions, called
for a motion. Dr. Woodyard moved that the amendment to Part VII of the
Governing Regulations as proposed in PR 7 be received and tabled pending action
at the next regular meeting of the Board. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Flegle and passed without dissent. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

      J. Budget Revisions for 1973-74 Approved (PR 8)

      The next item on the agenda being recommended revisions of the 1973-74
budget, President Singletary indicated that Dr. Clapp, Budget Director, was
present and would be glad to answer any questions.