Kczztuicky Agricultural Ll;7JZ)(’7'tIIl8lZf S'e'alion. xi
one of the genus Aleyrodes, which has proved very destructive to
tobacco, tomatoes, clovers, and the like, when grown under glass.
Bulletin No. 137, on the army-worm, has been published.
Many bacteriological examinations of drinking water have
been made for the State Board of Health and for individuals.
Division of Agr01z0·my.»—Tl1e following were the principal lines ·
of work of this division. Tobacco expcriinents in both the Burley
and Dark Tobacco Districts consisting of variety tests, inbreeding
and cross breeding and improvement by grading the seed. A bul- .
letin covering this work is in the hands of the printer at present.
Corn experiments consisting of ear-to—row tests, a comparison of
corn grown from deep kernels as against shallow ones, a com-
parison ot corn grown from the weak and imperfect germination
as against a strong gerrnina,tion. Variety tests consisting of nfteen
varieties. Controlling the breeding of corn, illustrated by using
paper bags to cover the shoots before the silks appeared. This
feature of the work was conducted principally to secure illustra-
tions for f2].]’]1]€l'S> institute work. Wheat experiments consisting of
a continuation of the varietyitests which we have been conducting
for a number of years. lIead—to—row comparison ot' yields in a
number of varieties. Oat experiments consisting of .1 large number
of hybrids being tried to see which is best suited for Kentucky
soil and climatic conditions, the seed being furnished by the United
States Bureau of Plant Industry. Alfalfa experiments consisting
of a comparison of spring and fall sowing. Potato experiments
p consisting of a comparison of different methods of cultivation and
_ different methods of cutting the seed.
p The grading of tobacco seed for our own use, also the grading
g of them for farmers who send them to the Station. The growing
; of tobacco seed under paper bags to prevent crossing, which is
F giving practical and beneficial results.
t The Division has published Bulletin 135, on wheat.
Divisioziv of Anininf Hnsband1·y.—Tlic following feeding ex-
_ periments with swine have been completed during the year:
, 1. Finishing hogs for the market that were farrowed in the
Q spring and allowed the run of a bluegrass and clover pasture during
A the summer. These hogs were fed in the following manner: