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( l i9.V_# VQ xii Trzt·eV1zty-yirst Amwul Report of the  
i   . 1 e Lot 4: (7 hogs) corn meal. _ A `
._   Y V Lot 5 (*7 hogs) corn meal, 10 parts, digester tankage, 1 part. by
_   ·1 i S` These were —a continuation of similar experiments carried on .
  V— __   ( the fall and winter before. · .
-     i_·· l The iellowing feeding tests with pigs, placed in the dry lot at
`. V' l VV L' , , ,
··       weaning time are now in Jrogress:
I ,Vr *0 3 O _ _
._;.,       Lot 2 (o pigs) corn meal, 9 parts, digester tankage, 1 part.
;__;fQ . Y?  i " Lot 3 (5 pigs) corn meal, 4 parts, soy beans, 1 part. ·
    W Lot 6 10 ries corn meal and middlin-(gg- Lot 8 (#1 pigs) corn meal. .
,;jL—..;.V2c£:¤_ 2. §__ Lot 9 (4 pigs) middlings at the beginning and middle parts
QY;"Y  ‘ of the feeding period and corn meal and middlings during the
  ;‘:s‘.`1];' ·_ lz .
_,§§;c;;:e  ge, latter period.
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    i..,; Lot 10 (9 nes. runts to be fed under the best ol conditions
  . ... ,1..,   . ¤ .
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 tg; to determine what gains can be secured and cost of the same in
  ‘`'=' ft?. feeding runts.
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tis? >g;y·;$;.g‘ V   The investiwation relative to infectious abortion among horses _
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  °"· ;[_;.; and cattle has been- mshed during the year as far as time would
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55     iss   . . . .
  This De artment is making a com uarison of the number of
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 gji germs found in a given quantitv of millv obtained from the Experi-
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  ment Station dairy and that produced in dairies conducted in a
  less cleanly manner. Both ae1·obic and anaerobic germs are talceu
  into consideration.
      . . . · .
  lnvestigations with regard to sheep scab are now in progress.
    Y   , . . ` . . `
‘:~2r;=3»r;a·a   'lests are being made with regard to the effectiveness of lime and
  ‘s¥§<;g— ;,.=é= ‘ V  if - . ‘ ‘ . .
    number of tags issued during the vear was 996.373. Nl lule the re- `
pass  <  j  gif . . . . ' . .
sn-  $$3 ceipis lor the vear lell oil` <·ons|derablv. tluere was quite au increase
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