‘ Kentucky Agricultural Eavperizueiit Station. xv
W the chemical work of the Feed Control is done in this laboratory.
We will soon be compelled to build an addition tor laboratory
purposes. .
` The Dl2llH_·l)l1lldl]lg has been improved by the addition ot a
handsome porte-coeliere over the rear entrance.
S- At the farm, considerable work has been done in replotting
gg the experimental fields gind in laying out and fencing the Kinkead
,10 place for experimental purposes.
1y Sll(ltllO?’t Sta.#.—During most of the year, Mr. R. M. Allen
e- _ l1as been on a leave ot absence, without pay, having been appointed
al special assistant to the Department of Justice, Washington, D. C.,
ie on several food eases. Some of these eases are still pending, and
the Department has requested him to assist until they are finished.
1-. » During vacation months, we employed Messrs. Graham Edgar ll
and Guy Taylor, graduates oi the University in the chemical course,
and Messrs. H. B. Sanders and F. H. Tucl-ger, Juniors in chemistry
to assist in the work ot the several chemical laboratories.
The bulletins published during the year are appended to this
Report, after which, beginning on page -l-S7, will be found the
analyses of mineral waters made in the Division of Chemistry that
are deemed of most interest and, lastly, a meteorological summary
for the year. M. A. Seovicm., ])i1·0c!or.