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    i   I   I Ben DMS _ V
      Arsenate of lead. (I lb. to 10 gals. w·ater; 3 gals. per tree).
    i Sprayed when in full bloom: April 11 and May 11 (3 trees).
    Sprayed after petals fell: April 29 and May 11 (3* trees).
 [Y Paris green and lime. (4% oz. Faris green, 1 lb..lime, 40 gals.
  ‘ water; 2 gals. per tree).
  Sprayed when in full bloom: April 9 and April 29 (3 trees).
  Sprayed after petals fell: April 29 and May 11 (3 trees). ·
  l Rome Beauty
  Arsenate of lead. (1 lb. to 10 gals. water; 3 gals. per tree).
  · · "..»=. jg; [>.g.F;;. _
  Sprayed when in full bloom: April 29 and May 11 (3 trees).
  Sprayed after petals fell: May 11 and May 23 (3 trees).
  Paris green and lime. _(4%. oi. Paris green, 1 lb. lime, 40 gals.
  water; 2 gals. per tree). .
  Sprayed when in full bloom: _April 29 and May 23 (3 trees).
    { A Sprayed after petals fell: May 11 and May 23 (3 trees).
  g Bordeaux mixture and Paris green. (5-6 lbs. copper sulphate, 4-8
  T _ lbs. lime, 5 oz. Paris green).
      Sprayed after petals fell: Between May 11 and May 23.
    *0ne York Imperial tree was sprayed with these trees under the
  %C   V supposition that it was Ben Davis. It was out of place in the or-
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    chard and the fact that it was not the same as the others was over-
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  looked by both Mr. Scheible and myself until after the spraying ·
 > _     i was done. .
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   ;   Experiment 1. (Arsenate of lead.)
  Three trees, Ben Davis, sprayed April 11, when in full bloom, \
    A and again May 11.
  pples rather rusty and small. Some distorted. Foliage in
    j fair condition. ·
    e Yield: 136.5 lbs. or ams; 27 lbs. euus.
  { Total number of oulls, 197:
    Affected with codling moth ..... 5 ( 2.53 per cent.)
  I Affected with bitter rot ..... .. . .42 (21.31 per cent.)
‘· se ¤~»i—a.°= >`¤1,r1e»t 1
 gi  ¤ Affected with brown rot ........ 8 ( 4.06 per cent.)
  j Affected with scab ............ 20 (10.15 per cent.)
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  ` Experiment 2. (Arsenate of lead.)
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 iQ`-ligl Y ' Three trees, one York Imperial (by accident) and two Ben
  Davis; sprayed April 29 and May 11, after petals fell, with arsenate
  L,   of lead. A
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