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4   ; 500 Division of Chemistry. ’
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I i gy? A Axrxtysrs. _
tig One gallon contains 55.4 grains of solid matter (0.95 gram  
· .   ( per liter), composed of sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, calcium `
_ `. ‘ Yi  ip _ carbonate. There are small a1nounts of sodium sulphide and mag- . 
V ‘   , nesium carbonate. There is .75 grain of hydrogen sulphide to the  
t _ i i gallon (.013 gram per liter), including that combined as sodium 2
° sulphide, also traces of iron, potassium sulphate, lithium carbonate, W
_  v_ and silica.
, V This is an alkaline sulphur water of moderate strength. T 1
° ‘ . OLDHAM COUNTY. . .
It   ~, i __»` 25073—Mineral water from a well 45 feet deep, at Beard, Oldham A
° * i county, Ky., recently bored for domestic use but the water . t
t A . _ has become so mineral as to be objectionable. The well is Y  
40 feet in rock. Trouble of the same kind has arisen with . `
. wells half mile or so from this one. Sample marked No. 1. * y t
Sent by J. M. Hampton, O’Bannon, Ky., along with No. [ in `
fi 1
‘ ·i Axiinysrs.
~ One gallon contains 160.5 grains of solid matter (2.753 grams
` per liter), composed of magnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate, cal- _
. cium sulphate and calcium carbonate. There is a little sodium i
chloride and decided traces of iron, silica, zinc, potassium, lithium,
and strontium salts. i
It is a magnesium water and should have some medicinal
value. -
, 72507 I——]~lineral water sent in May, 1008, by J. M. llainpton,
O’l*iannon, Ky., from an old well at llcard, Ky., ot about
thc same depth as tl1c one described under No. 25073 but
p A on slightly lower ground. (jas   said to have been found
in some ot} these wells when first bored. Sample marked t
No. 2, "'l.`he lladium Well, Beard, l(y."
A xnxmisrs. I 1
One gallon contains 08.0 grains of solid matter (1.177 grams
per liter,). coinposewl ol` niagnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate, cal-