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_ _ Adair County, analysis of mineral water from ........................ 487 [   V;
Agronomy, work of the Division of ...................................... xi _ :g§,__ · ·
Allen County_ analysis of Sl.llDlllll'·W1lI(;1‘ from ........................... 497 §:§·I"Q? V ‘
Allen, R. M. Bulletin 134_ Milk Supply of Louisville, by ................. 75   2   V
Analyses of coirmiereial fertilizers, Bulletins 136 and 138 on. ....... 343, 453 :‘·~·   f
Analyses of mineral waters ............................,.............. 4S7-503   `T  °
Analyses of wheat .......................,............................. 333-340 ]ji.[_.‘ -,
Anderson, Dr. E. C., analysis of mineral' water from ................,... 439 gj{i}T{_ r
Animal Husbandry. work of the Division of ............................. xi .   V.  
Aphis mali ....... , ............. . ......................._............... 51   ff?}-v_   ;
Apple blotch ............... . ....... . ...............,................... 65 ,1;;;   
Apple leaf-aphis ............................ . ........................... 51   A
Apple leaf buceulatrix ..._,.................... . ....,.....,...,.,..,..,. 16  
Apple leaf-erumpler .........,...,.. . ................................... 19 ‘?a{Qf;;rQ}T,-`Q
Apple leaf-hopper . .....................,.. . .............. . ...... . ....... 57 };‘;:.g_.;; ,_ j V
Apple leaf-miner ...i............,........ , ...,..............,.,..,. 11-it; Agrgi-eg,—t
Apple leaf-roller .... . ......... . ...,..................,................ 27  
. Apple leaf—rust .............l............ . ....................,........ 67  
Apple leaf-skeletonizer ...... .. ..... . ..................,................ 18 », 
· Apple leaf—spot .................. . ...................................... GG Y 
Apple orchard insecticides and fnng·ieid insect and fungus enemies of ........................... 435-439  
` life history of ...............,............................» 132--135  
literature relating to ........ . ............................. 449 ' f §;§:¥,i¥?$§?]
remedial treatment .................. . . ., ................ 4 ll  
{ Arsenate of lead, formula for ,..... . ,.......... .. ..................... Gil  
  for spraying apple trees ..........,................... il  
  Aspidiotiis perniciosus . ...........,.. . . . ................................ Bil ‘   
V5 Austin, G. .T._ analysis of sulphur water from .......................... -198    
i Averitt_ S, D._ analysis of mineral waters by ........................... 497 · _£§;=:z;‘qg
  Averitt, S. D., work as Referee on Soils ................................. ix   at 
V Paeillus amylovorus causing apple twig-olig‘lit .............,........... 62  ;' ’·  ··g'»>i
· Bag worm .................. . ................ . .......................... I'?   ,j_' 
' Bailey. Theodore analysis of sulphur water from ...................... ~lTll · ;"~ 
Barren, County, anilysis of mineral water from ........................ 4%%  
1 _ Bitter- rot ......................... . .................... . ............... at ·   
, spraying for .......... . ........... . .........,.. . ............. 10  
  Board of Control of the Experiment Station ............................ iv g   ;.”
Board of 'l`1·tistr·es of the University   .............................,.. iv  
Bordeaux dust used for ._=pra.ying .......,................................ Tl Q l#f;,;_A`,.:
Bordeaux Mixture, formula for .................. . ...,....,.........,.. 70  
for spraying: apple trees ............................ ll  
iniiiry to fruit from ........ . .........,...... : ...... lf  
’/ Bridges, Shauiion & Co., analysis of elialylieaie water from . .......,.. 499  
Brown rot of apples ..................... . .............................. 03  
i  ` spraying fer ..................... . ........................... lll .=  
4 · Buceulatrix pomifoliella, ................... . .....,...................... lfi  
i  Buffalo tree-hopper ,......,.................... . .......... . .... . ........ 50  
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