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  _ . The Kentucky Agncultural Experiment ·
    Station -
    In Account with the United States Appropriations.
    _ Hyrerr ADAMS
  `   Foxn. FUND.
    To Receipts from the Treasurer of the
s __.'   United States, as per appropriations for
  F   fiscal year ended June 30_, 1908, under acts _
  —.   of Congress approved March » 2, 1887 `
   . (Hatch Fund), and March 16, 1906
  _   '(Adams Fund.) . . : ....... - ............ $15,000.00 $9,000.00
Si1·i.g1;.;—, 5 Exiruxnrrunns:
  By sam-168 ......................... $10,628.33 $8,569.79
    Labor .............. A .... . ........ 60.98
  Publications ..................... 351.67 L .
  ‘l’ostage and stationery ............ 4819.+5 2.00 T
  F Freight and express ............... 173.82
    Heat, light, water and power ....... 868.77
  · ' Chemical supplies ................ 310.40
  Seeds, plants and sundry supplies. . . 371.81 26.89
    ‘ Library ......................... 7486.38
  Tools, implements and machinery . . . 128.25
  Furniture and fixtures ............ 39.7.00 20.25
  Scientific apparatus ....... . ....... 41.20.39 381.07
  Traveling expenses ............... 67.23
  (‘ontingent expenses .... . ........ 15.00
  Buildings and land ......   ........ 40.52
 i _ ’l'otal .................. . ...... $15,000.00 $0.000.00
gw  Q - _
  llic, t/lc untlcrsigziet/, duly appointed Auditors of the Corpora-
  tion, do hereby certify that we have examined the books and ae-
  counts ot the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station for the
  fiscal year ended June 30, 1908; that we have found the same well _
  ti? l