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Spraying Apple Trees. __ 49 -
  the C. and W. Thum Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  Cutting out with a sharp knife coupled with the use of repellaiit i
Q preparations is the·.best treatment we know at present for this i
  insect. - .. r _ y
  (Sapcrdu. candida);   _
  The grub of this beetle is white, but more cylindrical through- y
`  out than the flat-headed borer. The head end is only a little iiat- »
  ° tened, and the body is not drawn up in the form of a U. The adult i 9
.  beetle is cylindrical in general form, about 0.80 inch in length, and  
 if is deep brown, with two parallel white stripes extending from the   g
  head to the tip of the body. The head and whole under surface Q1
  are white, the antennae and legs, gray. I have had but one com-  
  plaint of its injuries in Kentucky (from Letcher County), but ` y ‘ 
 F? it is probably more commonly present in orchards in the mountain . 
 Q sections than this would indicate.  
I i'— The eggs are placed about the barkslater than those of the flat- i 3
é headed borer, commonly in J une and_July, and generally at the base  
_· of the tree, the grubs often pushing down beneath the surface to ;i
  the roots. it
F The transformations are believed to require three years. The iii
p treatment to be recommended is the same as for the flat—headed  
  borer, namely, cutting out, together with the use of repellant soap  
  or other washes applied to the trunk with a brush.  
T The tips of apple twigs that die from blight in early spring are  
  Sometimes found to be mined by a small beetle, one of ia family  
= (Scolytidae) containing numerous species that live in the woody  
  4 ` parts of trees. In some sections of Kentucky these small insects are  
so frequently found in blighted twigs that they have been thought  
I to be the cause of blight. But where most numerous, some twigs  
  are found with no beetles in them, and in some localities in which  
i   " twig blight is very prevalent the blighted twigs contain none at all. ,  
hc; It is certain, therefore, that they are not in most cases the cause  
of the disease, and probable that they mine the twigs only after _  
; these become blighted.  f'
  The adult beetle bores into the twig, mines it out lengthwise 4;