1 I   . ` I
jr   é__ ·V. jeg; Kentucky Agucultural Expenment Stauon
  i .
._."`l‘·,§`_ .
    fyi;  FOR THE YEAR l908 .
  ._`>   HEPOIIT OF THE I)IllEUTOlt. I
,..1 rn`-iii ‘,,_ g.; `
  . . . .
1-;;. '~_>_ »-j;·1_;;l Tl10 \\‘UI'l( ol tl1e Station 111 1908 has been III&ll1ll_\` along the
  ‘r`   :'»L;‘¥i:‘·i   · , ._ ._ _- · ` V · · ”
;—_V_;r ,;%.11.; gs same ll11C5 as ClG¤(71]l¤O(l 111 lll) last Alllllltll Report and 1ll1(l(¥l' the
1.*   ";;1 . .
  same OI`g`tll1|Z2l1lOl1. There has been ]l121l'liC(l progress, lll')\\'C\`L‘I': and
  . ‘ material growtli in tl1e work ol"the several divisions, and some
  ‘V`‘      valuable results ll5l\`0 been o|>ta111edV, as will appear in tl1e l`ollowinq
§.`€_f--·SiQ‘,€—:l€‘f_ *’’‘ {Z brief Sll1I1ll'l‘l1`\" I I
&.¤·3—45i¤i=LL  ` ° · ` `
 ;:.—_  Tl1e l1eg*1slat11re which recently 2\flj011l'l1()(l passed a new food
s;-y;  _g. . _ _ . . _ _ ,
  b1ll, app1o1 ed 0ItU'(‘ll 13, 1908. This carries 2111 app1·op1·1at1on ot
    $30,000.00 ann11ally and the duty of its CHli0l`(?Oll]OI11 is given to the
  EXpe1‘1me11t Station. The new law €1l'll)l'?l(‘(‘S 11ot o11ly Foods, but  
  drinks of all kinds and drugs, so that it will impose additional .
1  '.·t*·'a`£;.1Q—¥e_.· {Q .. . . 4 _
  (ll1t`1€S and ]1GC0SS1tElJ[C the employinent ol. several extra el1e1n1sts,
°??Y‘ ·`··t ?;°·:?¤$E;é t“ TQ · . .. · · · · 7
  espeemlly those lli1D1ll]t1l' 11*1tl1 drugs and liquors. \\e shall also
  , have to have a 1n11nl>e1· of mspeetors 111 the lleld. ·
;&`#§?£§i:1(*¥1i i;%` --2: . . ,
  The b1ll, as presented by tl1e $111110]], was passed w1tl1o11t an
  ¥ll11Cl1(lll1GHt, receiving only t`o111· negative votes 111 the House and an
  · ` _ V · . . .
  11na111n10us 1ote 111 tl1e Senate. I l)0l1C\'C 1t 1S 0110 of the best laws
C  `§ 4 · _ . . _
    in tl1e COl11ltl'_\'. The ;lo1·111e1· il ood law gave 11S $10,500.00 per year.
:2:. *;??*;e. EQREF zi. _ . . `. _ _ ' “
  so that 0111 2l1)])l'O])1‘l2lJ[lO!], therefore, IS ]DC1‘G2lS(}(I $19.000.00 an-
ujg?    V . ·. _ .. . . I .
    1lllHll_\. The lllltlllllllll} with wlneh tl1e bill 11*as passed and tl1e
  lOCO])11OI1 aeeorded it by all pa1·t1es eoneerned show, I beheye, tl1e
v;#~x¤ · ¤  21 ;:1 · - _
  appree1at10n ol? lrll(‘ worl< done 11nde1· the old law ¥ll1(l tl1e desire
 ·"*'· »YL Z   I   5 · - — .
    to gl\`C the Station the funds to carry out tl1e work tl1o1·o11gl1l1’.
    ])Il1I8lOII of (I/i(’)Il.I${I_l/.~—TllC work of tl11s (IIVISIOH C0111])1`1SC(l
  tl1e more or less complete analysis of 897 samples, of 1vl11el1 679
*5511 5 —     R? \\'Ol`C soils
§_ !  $$*:1T     ` ` ‘
·9·  ··- "f- ¢5—=1T,»{ r V __ · · . . _ ,
  l`he 110111 (111 soils iiieluded partial analysis of 1176 sainples col-
  leeted 111 1900 111 1·o—operat1o11 w1tl1 the Ixentnelty Geological Survey
 S5. · 1.,5 ZY   , · · _ V V · _ `
 i t    ,\Ul(ll1_\. total nitrogeii and total pliospliorns were deteriniiied 011
‘   sf °·.;¥*r€¥s 1*  ? `
T1 eiiss ¤s_. 3~ ..
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