;· Ti
V Spraying Apple Trees. 59 ,
j I have sometimes passed, along rows of young apple trees and of
  cowpeas with a "sweep-net" striking the-net against the foliage y
 i back and forthyas I passed and found that thousands of the insects y
;  could be quickly collected, and that going over the plants a second Q
  time showed them nearly all gone, most having been captured, the l
 n rest flown away. I believe that for small blocks of trees this would T   {
  sometimes prove a very satisfactory method of relieving the foliage I I
of the pest. The insects could be very easily destroyed by crushing   I
 it them while still in the net, or by emptying them into a bucket of i I
  waterhaving a little coal oil on the surface.   y
  (Oeresa bubalus). `    
 SJ The twigs and branches of apple trees are sometimes punctured l  
  by an angular green bug from about 0.32 to 0.44 inch in length to y ‘  
 ‘ the tips of the folded wings. The head is small and inferior in  
Y  position, while the crust of the next division (prothorax) is greatly    
`· enlarged and expanded in front, with a pair of short spines pro-  ig
J jecting out on each side, somewhat like the horns of a Durham bull.  
, Behind, the thorax tapers rapidly to a sharp point ovcrhanging  it
  the abdomen. The wings are thin and membraVnous. . ` 
i A The insect punctures plants like the other members of the order, ij
but its chief injury, at any rate the one which draws attention to it,  
n is done by puncturing the twigs to place its eggs. These punctures  
. ¤ are very characteristic. The eggs are thrust under the bark in two  TE;
V Y short, slightly curved lines, only about 0.12 inch apart, where they  
remain over winter. The subsequent growth of the bark causes  {Q
the wounds thus made to open up, and when numerous the whole  
y V surface becomes rough, the smaller branches sometimes break off, lil
M and the growth and general vigor of the tree is impaired. The ti
· _ 6ggS are laid in late summer and in the fall and hatch the following  
V Semis- V Q3-;
r The injury is only severe in orchards that are not well eared  
e t for. If a growth of weeds and other succulent vegetation isper-  
. Q · mitted to occupy the orchard, these insects are very likely to gather  
V there, for the adults are generally found feeding on such plants.  
p In orchards kept cultivated and free from weeds, no serious mis-  
y { chief is done. and the insect does not require treatment. The first $
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