i 62 Bulletin No. 133. ‘ i  I
Besides the species mentioned a number of others of less im-  j
portance occur at times on the trees and some of the more common
` ’ of these are mentioned below. It will be noted that we have nearly g
i all of the important apple pests occurring in the country. The apple  
I I maggot (Trypetu pommiclla) of the New England States has not, _»
however, been observed here, excepting as its work is sometimes  
noticed in fruit brought to our market.  
The Yellow Swallow—tail Butterfly (Papilio glaucus) is common  _ g
everywhere in the State. Its larva sometimes occurs on apple, but —¤ 
1 has never been troublesome.  i
The Ursula Butterfly (Basilarchia astyunax). The adult is _
often seen, but the 'larva is practically unknown.  ,
I The Zebra Caterpillar (Mamestra. picta). The caterpillar is  . _
common at times on various low—growing plants, alsike clover  —  
among others. f  
Balsa. mulaua. A small gray moth which is rather common in
‘Kentucky. The larva gnaws apple leaves.
The Winter Moth (Erauuis tiliuriu). Not very common in   lg
Kentucky at any time.  
l The Io Moth (Automcris io). This handsome moth produces ‘  
i ' a green worm with branched stinging hairs, which is rather com-
mon on corn in Kentucky. It is now and then seen eating apple
A leaves.
The White-lined Morning Sphinx (Dcilcphila liucatu). This .
fine hawk—moth is common about flowers of evenings in Kentuclq.
Its larva feeds on purslane and is said at times to attack apple.  
The Eyed Hawk Moth (Paouias cmcuccatus). A large reddish  
brown hawk moth with eyed hind wings. The larva is somewhat  
like the tobacco worm in shape. It is not common. ` _  
(Due to Bacillus umylovorus). i M
When apple trees are growing rapidly in the spring a sudden
blighting of the tips of twigs occurs that soon leaves the trees with I
numerous tufts of dead leaves, the rest continuing green and seem- p
' ingly in good condition. The disease is known as twig—blight be- t