[\'(?I1.[llCh'_U ;TgI'l·('l(HlIl'((t ]jl.l`/l(’)’tIlI(’}l[ Slulion. ix
all ot these samples and potassium dissolved bv hvtlroc-hlorie aeitl
ot 1.115 specific gravity and insoluble residue on about halt? of
them. ln o1·cler.to make the determinations of total phosphorus
[ more rapi(ll_v, a new.·method was devised by applying magnesium
nitrate l`or the oxidation ot the soil. This improvement was re-
ported to the Assoeiation ot Otlieial Agricultural Chemists and
tavorablv received. The soil samples analyzed inelude several of
i soils that are now being studied bv means ot pot experiments in
_ the greenhonsed These pot experiments are being eondueted in co-
_ operation with the State Survey and are in eharge ot Mr. S. (`.
i [tones ot the Survey. under the supervision ol` l)r. Peter. \\`hile it
_ is too soon to report results. it is interesting to note that Tennessee
F phosphate has given very marked increase ol' growthet all'alt`a,
` elover. wheat. oats and tohaeeo on the low phosphorus soils ot the
I \\'estern l{entnekv snbearhonilerons and eoal measures tormations.
. lt is also interesting to note that. as tar as the experiment has
X gone. the growth ot the plants in the pots has been. relatively.
l mueh as would have been predicted from the analvses. Another
1 · very striking result was the had ellieet ol` ealcium earbonate. even on
T A legumes, except where nsed in eonneetion with aeid phosphate.
Z The soils tested. however. were not aeid to an_v serious degree.
_ Mr. .\veritt was appointed lleteree on Soils ol` the Assoeiation
L ot Otlieial Agricultural (`hemists and has given much time to .\sso-
\ eiation work. espe·.·iall_v in developing the method tor total phos-
; phorus in soils alread_v mentioned.
V .*\ number ol` anal_vses ol' wheat were made in this laboratory
, bv Mr. ll'. ll. Sehertlius in eompletion oli his work on the protein
. content ot the wheat kernel. published in Bulletin No. 135.
~ 'l`he anal_vses ol` mineral waters made in the laborator_v ol' this
» llivision during the _vear are ineluded in this report. beginning
on page 187.
liirisiou of En/emo/oy/yy and /Io/on_z;.i'l`lie worl-; eovers quite
a wide range and is vielding some ver_v valuable pr.u·ti<·al as well
as seientitie results. The liollowlllg are some ot the principal sub!
jeets to which attention was given this vear:
lCxperiments with tohaeeo in (`hrislian (`onntv. having For
“ their objeet. the demonstration ol' the ell`eetiveness ot spraying with