O i .
4 it 1/1 H E .42/1 '·"L" L lr; Ure
  @7 QUE Ll? 716 I 617 OT O}/61 j AQ -
The Loyalty Fund chairman has set $10,000 as the goal tor the tlrive this A B
year, hut unless more enthusiasm is shown in the immediate future, we will '
fall far short of the goal. Reumor
. Classes
` lt will 11ot take a treinentlous effort on the part of any individual if eaeh A_ B_ Ci
one ot iis assumes a small part 01 the 1‘eSp011S1b1l1t.y for the success ot the gllsglosenat
i drive. Neither will it take large amounts of money from each inclivitlual tncky, will
: . . V . . annual bat
` tlll11lllll1S—-zlll \\’€ 211‘€ zlsklllg IS that €V€1‘}'OIl€ ])211‘t1C1pEltCS-—l)0 tllti €Xt€1lt tllut sociaticn t(
— tll01lSLl11(lS of zllllllllll Iflily t(’Gl it ])€l'S0llill SQNSG of klCCOHlpllSl1I11011t \Vll€ll tilt} Illllg, June
  _ Bluegrass
. goal has been reached. lniiim
i _ _ The spe
.   - The Loyalty Fund drive for 1948-49 MU ST go over the top it we are to Chandler i
 L ` . . . . . . activities f
1 · C()11t1ll1ll€ the alumni SCl10l211‘Sll1p €Stabl1Sl1€d l21St year. Letys 110t tail our are Schedl
i » Alma Mater now! June, and
50·year or
 _ have been
’ Alma Mat
_   4 NEW CONTRIBUTORS iiibiiee cgi
i " 1 ine. Pgtnl Blazer-111.11 ...e..... 1412 near Ave., Ashland, uy. 1.. 12 Colbert ...» 1147 Floral st., x. w., xvasinne-ten', 1). tn mencement
vv, 31, Mtn-1te1___1_ .,.. 1.215 s. Hanover, Lexington, Ky. John S. Sl1e1·w¤0¤—1-111--..--1...1 .... -1 .... -11.- Classes s
. 1 ..1 ·........... 1650 Harvard St. N. W. Washington D. C. - .
t N Y . d L i rr ' lx ·_ · I 1 s
, - c· “· B‘·"‘“‘“—·ji··22° C“"?f"‘“lt §°“d* L€"T“j;°" Ki Madneen sma11..2517 seth st., N. w., washington, D, c. }ml°?s this
i Mrs, Jztmes Mori 1S1111..._ka.St1I1 OH. , eX1¤e, 011, y. Charles Ki Dunn~__““w_"M"M-MmmmH~_____“—“-M-N"`M--mm 08, 09 ani
H. D. Palm0re11..-...1..1-_-1-1Box 126, Frankfort, Ky. ................ 1827 Summet P1., N. NV., Washington, D, C, igg; and ig
V W, H. McAdams ............ 31 Claremont St., Newton, Mass. Paul K€€¤-...1-.--.--11 East Custis Ave., Alexandria, Ya. · ·
_ tion special
T X. T. McKee ..,........... 1-.111.60 E. 42nd St., New York, N. X. Henry L· Ptg-1%;;*%:;%YQ;-E-ii~-i~—--K.-I-1 ---··   Mi-1- .... . .....   .......».....   ` for th ll
·   Gerrien nurns ............ 11 ....... 200 Red Reek Bing., Atientrr, Ge. jj‘“* ‘‘‘‘ " * 1 O S ‘ "*‘* · ·· W"·“ "“e“’“· · V _ Q C ‘
—i_ _ Hauy B. DeAtley ...................._..._______,,..__., , ._.____________________._._______. which are
 _ ·· ·1· P=111l111¢ l’M1¤1‘S0¤ ---- —- --------—Y ———-——-·—-—— -·----- —- -»»-----»--------- 1 ........... 3128 Patterson P1., N, W., Washington, D, c.
i   ...................... 1754 Massachusetts Ave., Wasliington, D, C. George B_ Ewen ______ ___ ____________ ___ _Y_V__Y_A____________________>_»____»______rv_wr__A'r____v_ W and twentj
  QQ J. L. Kiuner ........ 2015 Dellwood Dr., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. ---- 3133 Connecticut Ave.. N- W-. Washington, D. C· tively.
j .1 w. T. \Vell111an ........ 11 ........... 1 ..... 1416 Dodge st., Omaha, Nei), Georgie W. Meuth .......... 1 ..... 1 .1........................ 1 ...........................................
  ,f· view], Dimiiomi -.r.--»-».. .2828 NO1`thé1mpt0n, N. W., Washingtoii, D, C. COUUTIEIIC
· i1;. ,. . . ```'``' _ -'`_` Z _'``'`''`i''``_-`'` ""` 'A`` W"` ``````’``'`` "`T ``'` Q`. '```````'```` L'larence J. Rothenbet--·· ,_____,___,_,_____,__________________________ _ __________________,,___ __ · ·
 _ _i. Y   .~... ?110ett111.11 R<1¢1· at Bonnvcastle, Lon1sy111e,iKy. __4________________________ ____i5ii, amisH’ N' W', “,uS,,i“gwu' i, C. versity will
    “‘   `gfauiel _‘‘‘‘ M ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 30% Erm A“’·· C‘“c‘““““· O- Hattie E. Boyd ....... - ....... 1284 Cherokee R11., Louisville, Ky. services On
‘ _ "··‘· -1- 0 “1111¤111S· ¤11¤¤¤€11¤r ----------»----»---------------~-..-···............. 11. o. slime ............... 1 .......1............1.. ssa \Vest nh, i.exi..e-1.,.., in-. i
-  · ............. . ............1... University of Mississippi, Univ__ Mine, in Ciiifoiii Daviiisoii Y__________________________________________________ _ V_VA__________V___»_>__rVA_ ‘ 9. and ct
"' 1 \VnllnCe C. Duncan ........ 78 Westover Ave__ Cg_]dyv€]l· N_ _·i·_ ...1 ................................ . ...1.. 322 \Vinding \\’;iy, Philtidelpliia, 1*:1. annual C0
 _· , ·l0llll C. Myers, Jr. ...... 918 E. Hirxh Street, Tnexinzign, Ky, H=11‘0l1l F. Waits .................... 8152 Langley Ave., Ciiiciteo. 111. F, _
I Morton Holbrook ,_,,__,,___,__,, 122,Q Cary (jmirt, ()WE.nShm.ii_ Kin JOS9Dll B. Shelby .... 307 \\'y0ming Ave., h'It`|,])l(‘\\'()Ull, N. .l. Uday nlg
` LeRoy )y_ Myles ____r______r_____Y 326 Ciiinoe Road. L(_XmEmn` KY. H€·l`m¤m F. Sclioltz ..., \VOO(]bOLll'l]Q Ftirm, \\';ii·i·eiit11n, V:1. ·,]nn& 2, wi
vv, xv, riiziintrink ____,___,,_,____ ,_ ________________________ ____ _______________________________VrV_ Headley Shouse ....1...111......... Versailles 1·i1;e, Lexington, Ky. Willi
0 G   ·········~·   -·-·~·-~- Qlfnll R2nt. N. C. M. H, 1~`ieI)e1· __,_______________,_ 141 E, ggtli SL, Negy York gg, N, Y, · t Banu-(
A _ ra iam . e .o1·m1cc1 1........ es ia ea Lexine-ten, Ky, H. ,, ,, i , , _ .   _   ». H r1oon· th
i i _ Icnlery \v‘ Sn}iti]'·.·-I----·-General H0SpitaIYYCinCil]n;lti' Ollio Urllll 1.r.\l·l€I`| ..._____ 2 S€C()]](lr ;\\ gllllgy I-’l•_5[()]]5l)|_|l,_,    b ti l
. .-\I`[l]lll‘ F, \’t);;t»ln1;imi ____ [009 Jgickieon Rt]., C0\.iiig.i0ii‘ Ky HcI`U'€llU l\l€1Il ...........1........ Rye lr€ifMaxwe1;
U. K. Alumni Club of Greiiter Cincinnati Hedge L€St€1` ............ 1026 15th, N. NV., Washington, D. C· banquet th
llndley Sn1itl11 ...... 732 Siioreliam 13151;;,, tviisningtim, D_ C-_ iieriiert 1-1, Greene _____________,,_____________________,__,___,___________,___,, _, ,_________, _ ___,_ ,_
\\';tlte1· G, Campbell ___,________________,___,___,_,,_____ ,_ ________ _ ________________4__>rrr__________ - -..-............................... 313 Lincoln Avenue, Falls (Thuruh, Vit the annual
. ' ·’*‘*·’’*’’ ··`·2S53 O“t’"‘° Rd·· N- W·1 WaShlngt011. D. C. lilias lilvovo ........111... 201.1 G st,, N, w,, \\';1,sl1i11gL011, 11. il'. Association
[ 1
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