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 · 4   Official Organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky
. Q _, 4 I   Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington Ti
. · I _ _ I . l Volume III OCTOBER, 1930 Number 2
. I i l Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postofiice at Lexington, Ky, Ma5IEET1929, under the Act of March 3, 1879
`  _     _, i L   A _- JAMES s. snaoesumsi ·2§IWIIIPI.W P. mimi- and Manager K I I U
Z .         jb I MARGUERITE McLAUGHLIN, '03 ..... Associate Editor
 ; I g   2-I HELEN KING, ·2s . . ;r;%‘v;“;iLv 1i§>f>IitiEdit0r _ '4.m W, g
. h         _ I   I orrrcms or- me ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Exaourrvu COMMITTEE
  I ,7   I _· LEON K. FRANKEL, O0 ..... President W. C. Wilson. '13 Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
; ` I { _ ' MRS. RODES ESTILL, '21 . . . Vice-President Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02 Wyland Rhoads, 'l5
l   * *i I JAMES S. SHROPSHIRE, ‘29 . Secretary-Treasurer Lulie Logan, ’13 Walter Hillenmeyer, ’11
Y     I · I I . i HOMECOMING ing made to offer as much of this kind
I L _   I I -——— of study as it is possible, with the
, p ` [ Fr- ITH the exception of a defeat by means that is available. The broadcasts
` i   I   a superior Alabama team on the of timely subjects, conference and lec-
i     football field, our homecoming tures, available material in libraries on
, Q I q   was a huge success this year. Many all current topics, reading lists that will
I I   A alumni returned to witness a fighting be furnished on request are open to the
I l A Wildcat team bow to the Crimson Tide interested aumnus. You should take
  I I ,y..   of Alabama, and to renew old acquaint- advantage of all, or as many as possible, `
I! , I **‘*’ ances and make new ones. of the opportunities offered.
  .i A delightful tea was given the re- Alumni interest in continued educa-
.   turning alumni by Dr. and Mrs. McVey tion is another means of keeping alumni
  I j- 4 immediately following the game, this contact. Discussion groups, and alumni
I Q p   being followed by annual homecoming clubs, will find many subjects for gen-
I A A dance that night in the men’s gym. eral discussion. It is to be hoped that
, if Many that this Alumnus will reach Kentucky alumni will accept this new
ii ’ may have found it impossible to attend phase in the educational system. Much
  I I ' this homecoming, but there will be an- benefit will be derived.
fg I _‘ other next year, and in the meantime ——-—-;—-— _
JEI I `g· there will be commencement time when .... LEXINGTON ALUMNI CLUB ......
  _ ? alumni will all come together again, and -———
  ` · thlS HOL HOIC too early to bCglIl Dl3.Hl'lII`lg   {ZOO infrequently but
  I Y i to flltlénd bilth OCCESIOUS- Moften enough to come in for its
    —l—*—*_ share of work, the Lexington
    , · CONTINUED EDUCATION Alumni Club put an entire financial bal-
LQ I I I —-——— ance into alumni interest and sponsored
l . N OTHER columns of this issue of the the last number of the Alumnus, the _
I I I I   " I Kentucky Alumnus there appears the Homecoming number.
  I [ 2 D first article on "Continued Educa- Giving banquets to the athletic
I     il tion," or better named "Alumni Educa- teams, sponsoring the homecoming
  ‘ I tion." It explains the latest phase of the dance, have always been part of the —
I   I educational system that is being adopt- club’s annual program, and now they
’     ‘ I l ed by many of the larger colleges and have taken up part of the task of the
Q Z   , . universities of the country, and tells of general association, that of trying to
I I I the opportunities that are offered to for- make ends meet.
{   I mer students and graduates to continue We are indeed grateful to the local
{   p AME during their spare minutes, the studies club for its support and for the sponsor-
2   I I 40-4, begun during undergraduate days. ing. of the homecoming number of our
1 I   NN At ou1· own Alma Mater efforts are be- official magazine.
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