‘  1
ii i? 1
A ?1¥.A .
. Alumni of the University of Michigan 1 N . . _. . ,_ -   -
L have given to their Alma Mater, money Universiitgzeleioaigeiguiialioitimtiiy Li) talk A ‘ ii A ‘
I and property to the value of $12,010,- and former students irii oiiider ithatlmm ii ’
_ — 798.13, &CCO1‘d1i"1g tO. iigU1"€S 1`€C€Htly and they may have sitill greater eiiithyuou is A  
_ egnxiiled  Wilifred Bbghhavin director iasm for our Alma Mater Talk Uni- ·   Z i
o, umm ea ions. er ·i d f ~‘ .' Q - `   NE
3 the university have given oveii §E,0i)(ii- li:iA;;1Asitu?i]i2iif;i1tLii1kii¢otLi)1·paffiiftstldg iiigt ii i L  
d 00O,_so that the grand total of all bene- stop at general statements bdt make Ai   A i
ic factions received by the university and your efforts individual i e i select one   if- VA  i
9 tlirotigliit, byvthe citizens of the state two, or a dozen young, people and keei iis  ·A i
I of Michigani is S16,198,434.30. Gifts after them until they decide to entei· A i i  
Q. Eaton; nijnninit civer the pastl five years the University of Kentucky. A test of ‘      
S . iota]. ( un OI oi e1 one- alf of this each graduate of Kentucky is the ans-   A i
. wer to this question· "How man -    AA ‘A
,9 In the last financial report of the ple have I tl tA y PEO   A
i` University of Michigan Shirle W M·t ·‘*" Cause 0 go to my Alma AA  i  A
i , - , _ . . _. 7   _ _ t . Z
ii Smith vice president andibusinessimani d Q1 A i  I A
ager, reported that the total property (ioiig giniiiggniinlgv?gil?n(iaLi,thO1t1tifiha1Q —  1  ¤
and permanent funds of the university S0_ But even mime im )O1§E€’ te-_ sm A‘  E A
I aniounted to $42,5%,559.98. Thus the Strucnve Crinciqm H,Ei;)1 ai;. ai CO]?  
R gliiig ti} Mlichigah ai`€ W€ii OVQY 0U€· not doing all that thev shociildcldios     1 A
_ t ir o t e present physical property ii . ` · ’ ..7  {i i
»n and endowment fund of the universit E em ao, and Oifel Suggesmms for J  it
· . . _ y> ¤0Tneth1ng bettei. Thev appreciate  ·i
st o Sie alumniogiaving contributed some- kindiy criticism “ ._  .—· j
id . ing over .. per cent. ` _   T
M _ _ Say to your friends that the rapid   T
a_ bggggli  a(;Ig€;_ig;i;Q;;t;ig€Sni   development of the University provides    
;h buildings on the campus and one other in Gam mcleaaliig Opiiolilmiti fm ben-     l
ai the Observatory buildin in Bloemfon- bfactlonsffiiiihibfO1·mC1€abiAid salauea  
. g f d f · V
n_ tem South Afric th ft f h _ un S O1 new iecitation bindings, funds i ,  ,
3 i ent ’S€C1_€t _ fag, G gi_ O i €P1€S· for dormitories, funds for equipment, l   A 
ii; Lamont i§§a?ii. r§§“J33i§§© ii‘2l2‘”`Zit°(; twig im iii`i“S’   i‘“`   Ai 
it, been Contributed by graduates of the ~un.S fm ic iolzilaiuiisi and imids far 3 A A   A
.a- ~ university toward equipment of the e acme O Ot ei iimthi Causes Let each  Ati
*· , C S ‘ ' ‘ sc 7   {
of A buildings and the support of the educa- One ask himself this questlolh ii hat =A  . 
_ . t. . _. . . , , _ can I do to help my Alma Mater be of    ~
31- ; »lOU2iti 2lllClISC1ent1ilC aetivities Of the rmi- etiii greater Service to mankind ·7>> ;  'i iA `¥
iieiisi is i is estimated that h€ai`iY i 3 You had teachers to whom vou    
  h290j00O has been Coiiiiiihiitad dii`€CiiY owe a debt of gratitude for the inspira- 1  ii  
foi iesearch and expeditions, while an tion eiveo you Write them ietteie   ~ 
. . , - - ¤ . ~ : · .   ·•
{E ,   ilm€ill{llD llab b€€Il glV€U ICQ thi? ll- from time to time and let them li11OW   ,j
b V Rest exc univie of the great g1ft‘Hl3Ci€ that they are at least partly responsible    
in- _ } egienttylliiiiani L.fCfments in his for your upward eiimo I ti it
‘. · lnagni cen 1 rary o merican his- J · · - `. ? . 
ni- tOi.y_ Make it a point to attend every Uni- ·   ti
int Q . versity of Kentuckv meeting, and if W; A
4 Right now the second section of the ` ‘ Ci 3* »
ng -_ ,, N, * ’_ * _ _ _ _ there are not enough meetings, see to yi  
are _   Gisfciiih gi OUP of hUli§l1¤§S IS Ul it that others are called and interesting —   ·&
art i nm ryan? t€{)€°}ii€’ii· _ThiS ihCiufi€$ a programs prepared. Keep in close   i
pg . ‘i> i wh Riiidihg i0l` 3 Law hb1`“»1`Y touch with your classmates, and attend _   1 
tas 1 iiéitila iisw Wihg te the d01`mitOYY SYOUD the reunions with the regularity of   .
n’s j i) 1-iglii __Stu°i€iits· Th? Vaiii€ Of th€S’€ clock work. When any special Univer-    
as  V liii {H8?. tOg€tlAl€I' VV1th the club and Sitnr event is given in yguy }]Om€ tO“vn_   A~
mi- i ;i?JE.miiOiY aiiaady €l`€€t€d» Cab only _b€ or nearby, make it a point to go-wear f ‘ '
. S iiiiai€€i» but UW whole STOUD, Wblch the University colors, sing the Univer-  
it  (Continued on Page 14) (Continued on Page 19)  
. `   it.
 A . J  t  
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