` '..5.. ,
{ Kentucky, T €,A. IL ), Zhsonic Temple, Chin Ctrect, Iirdinsburg. Pcvnded
E 1821. raster, Jaul Cha:bliss,_Herdinsbur;. Secretary, Guy Gibsrn, Y;?€iuS—
Q bur;. ·Telepbone 92-J. ~eernS ckpire January, ISGS.
g T§mbar$hiQj 95. Qualifications, open to white adult rmles acceptable to
j . ‘ the members. · `_
Q_ Cerrittees: Lone. · · ·
Q' Purposei Fraternal, social and the prenet;en`of _oed citizenshi .
`T _Nonnal_C{vic,MqQivities: Maintenance of Masonic Home for elderly Nbsons.
> -‘ their widows and orphans. I
{ Defense Activities: ·Interested in Discussion Leaders, Signal Services,
§ Interviewing. V
I Local Publications: None. _
E IRVINGTON PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION ( State and National Congresses of "
Q P. T. A. ), c/o Mrs. Herbert Crick, Irvington. Founded l959.` President,
Q Mrs. W. H. Brown, Irvington. Telephone 42-R. Secretary, lbs. Herbert
V §j Crick.- Terms expired October, 1942. l `I .
§»* ‘Membership:`·25. Qualifications, open to parents, teachers and interested
{ individuals. _ A _
I Committees: Nona.
t I Purpose: To further educational activities at Irvington School.
- E · - Normal Civic Activities: Sponsor of School Lunch Project.
’ Q Defense Activities: Engaged'in Preparation and Serving of Feed. Interested `
Q in Auxiliary Fire Protection, First Aid, Child Care, Collecting Books, Typing
LU, j and Other Clerical Assistance.
4. 6 .   . · I
-   _ _ _ , A V I [ I > .
I I Local Publications: ¤None. · =`
°j IRVINGTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTEENT, Irvington. Founded 1952. Fire Chief,
IQ AW. R. Parks,·Irvington. Telephone 42-J or 42#U. Secretary, F. G. Robbins,
T Irvington. Terms expire January, 1945. _,
3 Membership: 18. Qualifications, open to young men residents of Irvington.
4 Committees: None reported. ’ ` ·~
§ Purpose: To protect the town of Irvington from fires.