. -6-  
Irvington Volunteer Fire Department ( ·Continued   » . y  
Normal Civic Activities: None other than fire protection. '. I  
Defense Activities: Engaged in Auxiliary Fire Protection, Collection of Scrap  
_ Metals and Other Metals. Training for Air Raid Warden Service, Civilian Air·· ~ ·
craft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection. Interested in Ambulance
Service. .
Local Publications: None. j
` MIGAZIHE CLUB OF HARDIHSBURG c o Mrs. J. R, Eskridwe Hardinsbur . President A
. 3 0 D _ I
Mrs.'J. R. Eskridge. Telephone 485. Secretary, Hrs, C. V. Robertson, Hardins-· `
· burg. Telephone 58. Terms expired October, IQAZ. . ~ A
Q Membership: 18. Qualifications, by invitation only. ! l s`
Committees: Proeram lbs. J. E. Kincholoe· Comoter: Mrs. Wade Pile ·both of  
____________________ Q I I 3 $ _
I Hardinsburg. ’  
Purpose: A l_iterary and study club. { A '_ _ _  
L Norma]. Civic Activities: Sponsors caro_ of two `eomoteries. Z I, _` _ I  `
, Defense Activities: Interested in Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders. _- * 
Local Publications: None. v {
. Missions, Presbyterian Church, U, S, A, ), c/o lxtrs. Russell Durbin, Irvington. —
" Founded 1928. President, Mrs. Henry Bandy, Irvington. Secretary,»lErs.
Russell Durbin. Terms expired Nay, 1942. ’
Membe_nshi`p: 14. Open to women members efrthe Cumberland Presbyterian Church. _ I `
  Co_:Ej:it·teo·s; Christian Service, llrs, S. T. Byars; Pastor's Aid, Mrs. Ella  
I `Easham; Flowers and Sick, 3-Kiss Ruth Durbin, a1l_ of Irvington.
Purpo_s_e;_ To promote a greater interest in missions. ·
\ `. , , , ' _ ¤_ ., ( · I ‘
» _1;Ior;ma'1•_Qivi·c; j`»c»t·iviti_o_s L Cooperating, with Lied Cross, _ _ _
Dei`e_rr%;Aj`;eti_viti_e_s_:_ Errg_e;g_e_d   Collecting Books. Interested in 'Sewing and -
_Proparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance. _ `f
Local Publications: None, _,
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