H E following Biographical Sketch of
,,t   Audubon was originally read before
the Quarante Club, a leading literary society of
New Orleans. It is now offered in printed form
to a larger circle of readers at the suggestion of
.some of the relatives and admirers of the famous
Louisianian, in the hope that it may create such
an interest in its subject as will ultimately lead to
the result long ardently desired by the writer-
the erection of a suitable monument in the
Crescent City in memory of our great ornithol-
ogist. The raison d'e/re of this unpretending
brochure being explained, the author begs for
it the kindly indulgence of a generous public,
and a hearty cooperation in the work, of which
it is hoped this modest effort may prove the
  Our country is at last rapidly refuting the
traditional charge of the ingratitude of Repub-
lics to their noblest sons and though she has as
yet no Pantheon nor Westminster Abbey,