Editor, Statesman and Gentleman.
LJENRT  WATTERSON, or "Marse Henrp", as he Was knoWn to Kis intimates and friends, Was one of the  most  prominent  figures  in  the South after the War of Sections.
Although he opposed secession to the last, Watterson Was a man and a soldier, and as such he fought for his native section, the South. After the Cn>il War, the entire South Was in the clutches of the Northern despotic "Carpet-Baggers", Who ruled Lr? Virtue of the armed occupation of the South by Union soldiers. "Marse Henr?" treated such methods With contempt, and it Was chiefly due to the influence gained ltr?, and the poWer engendered through his fien? editorials that the occupational troops Were Withdrawn. He also promoted a feeling of fellowship among the tWo rrPal Sections, and thus did much to suppress post-bellum prejudice,   and to aid the true spirit of Reconstruction.
To Henr? Watterson, to whom a great share of the credit is due for the release of the South from military) rule, and also, for the true Reconstruction and reuniting of our great nation, We gratefully dedicate this thirtieth Volume of the   KENTUCKIAN.