Sigma Chi
Sigma  Chi   no   longer  has  an   active  chapter   at  Kentucky.     However^   wearers  of
the  Frankfurter Cross may be located  in the most popular gutters of the city after
2 a. M. any morning.
The}'   are   exceptionally   enthused   over   the   Chi   Omegas.    The   Sig   Chis   have   a
nice   house   at  the   scene   of  the   disturbance.     It  is   equipped   with   a   brawl-room,
a   binding   room   (for   pledging   purposes)    and   a   lounging   room,   as   well   as   all
sottern conveniences.    They are all good ball players,  and specialize in  all varities
of pool  except swimming.
If we remarked a whole lot more and said nothing, it would be even more appropriate
for  the   Sigs.
If you can wear a derby with nonchalance, and afford Murads, you are eligible for
this group.
Sigma Nu
The man who wrote "Birds of a feather flock together" must have had his inspiration in the Kentucky chapter of Sigma Nu. This famous Euclid avenue organization has formed plans to build an additional door on the left of the building, they claim. Perhaps that is because at 3 A. M. it is frequently difficult to carry the entire chapter through  the  existing  apertures.
Wine, women and song is but a small part of the Sigma Nuer's recreation. If they deserted the Tavern, the place would not suffer a decrease in profits, but it sure would look deserted.
Membership   in  this  organization   requires one  of  the  following:   Immense   wealth (nationality  immaterial) ;   a  coonskin  coat   (vintage  immaterial) ;   a  way with  the women  (race, creed or social standing immaterial) ; and an enormous capacity  (contents  immaterial). In fact, it kinda looks like the entire bunch is immaterial.    We wonder!
The engineer fraternity has a secluded house and deluded members.    Only those who  are  engineers  and others expert in campus politics need  apply. The dear old Triangles lest the 1929 football captaincy, but with the help of the Lord   and   a   strangle-hold   on   business-managerships,   they   hope   to   have   better successorspardon mesuccess, next year.
The three sides of the triangle represent Politics, Pulchritude and Perjury. The do-fangles are proud of their "he-mannishness." It is said that they even contemplate dispensing with manicures. They are ready at all times to challenge anyone to a ripping game of ping-pong. May the best man win. Confusion sometimes arises over whether Triangle is an engineer or an agricultural fraternity, since they live on a farm. At any rate, they plant frequently. Gardens, seeds of discontent, and so on.
Theta Nu Epsilon
It  is   rumored?   ????????
Zeta Zeta Zeta
Were you ever a fraternity man?