TQ G    ;    €‘ ,A   E   l  J   B   A  I aris    
Number 516 A December 4, 1987
Q 5. P. E E Q Q B
December 1-31 "Read a New Book" Month.
December 4 Gallery Series -— "Anorexia and Bulimia" : .
Lecture and audio-visual presentation: Dr.
Laurie Humphries, Department of Psychiatry,
School of Medicine. `
Thomas Carlyle, 1795-1881, Scottish essayist.
December 7 Willa Cather, 1873-1947, American author.
December 8 James Thurber, 1894-1961, American essayist
and artist.
December 9 John Milton, 1608-1674, English poet. '
December 10 Melvil Dewey, 1851-1931, American librarian. y
Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886, American poet.
December 11 Gallery Series: Baroque Instrumental and
Vocal Music: Concert: Collegium Baroque
Ensemble: Jonathan Glixon, Director.
Annie Jump Cannon, 1863-1941, American
astronomer and discoverer of five stars.
December 16 Jane Austen, 1775-1817, English novelist.
Next Green Bean: Friday, December 18.
Deadline: Friday, December 11.
Production Staff: Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox; ,
Typist7pr0ofreader: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil Madison.
Ina Newsletterlof the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes